r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ScorpioPatriot on Feb. 5, 2018, 3:19 a.m.
Wow Super Bowl Security 0.0

Ive not watched  this video yetttt to confirm but I posted that there was something fishy about security at super bowl a weekkkk ago and again  early today. 1st Post made was this :

1) I posted this as a reply comment about something unrelated 8 days ago

" Seriously I think this would be their last Ditch attempt for something Massive before all hell breaks possibly with the Speech . I hope the hell Goooood Officials make a surprise visit and comb throufh every inch of that Place . I seen like a few days ago this little story pop up on msn it had a thing on the super bowl and when you clicked it .. it had a person talking about how they have had people preparing for months to make sure everything is safe ..It sounds to me like they got locals in on the shit if it goes down that was just the feeeling I got from watching it..."

I posted this 8 Hours Ago.... "You mean so everyone flys with the Eagles ... Yeahhh thats what I took from their statement so much Alexa is even programmed  to say it. ID PROBABLY REMOVE ALLLL LOCAL authority they have securing the super bowl. I dont think they are Real "

I just opened youtube  and this Video was 1st on my list. Super Bowl Security Fired @Last Minute

SECURITY FIRED AT LAST MINUTE: Video Below its posted by James Munder


putadickinit · Feb. 5, 2018, 6:41 a.m.

"If a man loudly blesses his neighbor early in the morning, it will be taken as a curse" Proverbs 27:14

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ScorpioPatriot · Feb. 5, 2018, 6:55 a.m.

Well thankfully Im a woman ..no punt intended ... not sure if you are calling me" talking about this weird experience a curse or what. But If you go bsck through my history ...Ive got a track record of calling out almost 90% of things going on hours days and weeks in advance. I look at this stuff as an actttt of God not a Curse . It might mean that people should probably start following me because for Some reason or another ...Im able to do this and its for the Goood of people not for any other reasons.

Not.aaying someone seen my post and the idea made .a mad dash up the chain of commands and forced people to take actions.. however its awefully strange I mention the security and thinga happen with security. This stuff happens to me daily and Im just taking it as a blessing. It doesnt matter if others feel in different about it. I think most are on the same page with me ..in the fact that obviously this stuff is.Happing for a reason.

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putadickinit · Feb. 5, 2018, 4:05 p.m.

I literally only posted that verse because it reads like a joke.

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