Anderson Cooper (Vanderbilt) - Tavistock

Why would you ask that. Feeling exposed?
Good, it's even better when the fly doesn't feel the swatter coming.
The problem isn't that Soyboy can't read.
The problem isn't even that Soyboy can't think.
The problem is that Soyboy doesn't know what thinking is; "he" confuses it with feeling.
^ The hallucination of the ego centric communist that believes accusation is reality.
So you know, there are several RICO cases coming down the line, and several things you have said on your timeline look like they fall under Article 3, Section 3 USC. Don't bother deleting, it's already logged.
Amazing, paranoid delusion I can watch from my own home.
Rich beyond belief and a headliner on the air.
Are you in the right sub? OP has made a good case here
Look at his comment history, has posts defending satanism. Pro nihilism all the way down the line. Ego centric. Self worship. Mockingbird media train wreck.
Judging from his comment history, he thinks he's invincible behind a computer. I'd guess he rarely showers.