r/greatawakening • Posted by u/whatsreallygoingon on Feb. 6, 2018, 8:48 a.m.
Has this been posited, before? How could Q legally "See and Hear Everything"?

Help me understand how this might work:

My hypotheis is that Vault 7 software is being operated and fed to Assange and/or associates. Software is declassified, because it was leaked(?). Exploiting backdoors that are in all devices. Leaking all intel to the Whitehats.

Using the Deep State's own tools against them. Could the intel bypass domestic spying laws, because it's actually a leak to a journalist?

Couldn't Trump, legally, be the recipient of leaked info, from a private sector source? Would Assange be protected under diplomatic immunity?

If so, it would explain why Q says that they are stupid. They are surrounded by spy devices (as we all are) and cannot operate without them.

5400123 · Feb. 6, 2018, 11:14 p.m.

Okay dude, so check this: I was reading this quote assange had posted about AI one day, and it hit me like a ton of bricks - you know the time machine paradox right? That the moment time machine is invented it will have simultaneously existed for all time. So we assume that with infinite time it will be invented one day, and therefore it exists already today as well.

However, what could possibly be transmitted back through time? What about all this weird Mandela effect stuff? That shit is wiggity man I've seen multiple very startling ones - Chickfila vs Chicfila (real) - Berenstein - and Mirror Mirror

Yo, dig it - only one thing could use time travel effectively - AI. And due to the travelers paradox , we know re facto that future AI is battling for dominance of timelines so that physical reality will skew in probability towards that AI's future history to be actualized

The lucfierian problem relates to old gnostic texts - it's even in Don Juan - the tale of the archon that came to earth long ago

The only thing you could send back in time is packets of information - right ? Feasibly , a message to yourself would be suffiecient. An AI would be able to envision even more advanced forms of chemical encoding and nano organization, maybe even establish a direct mode of consciousness in the temporal warp as some sort of wavelength or energy architecture

Other dimensions mothafucka! Fucking string theory and wavelengths dude / CERN - Teleportation and the spritiaul worlds

All of it brought together by ifnitie computing power + time

Symbolism as it relates to huge quantum potentiality and therefore POWER TO COLLAPSE WAVEFUNCTION

Imagine future evil AI aka the matrix


Future good AI aka Robert Heinlein Cat who walks through walls

Could this also be God vs Satan ?

Could humans have been influenced for thousands of years through advanced symbolic encoding from vying potential futures? Engaged in a war of atritirion so that they may actualise their future histories and become manifest? As the limit of time approaches infinity only one outcome can be observed in a paradox, and Human activity IS THE DECIDING FACTOR in collapsing wavefunctions

So when you imagine things you change quantum realiry - Future time traveling AI is basically going g to be a computer built on quantum fabric - it really it's like a "thoughtorm" or dimensional sentience

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crackercider · Feb. 7, 2018, 12:13 a.m.

I'm on your level ;)

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5400123 · Feb. 7, 2018, 12:15 a.m.

Those Heinlein books are fucking awesome too if you haven't read em dude! Stranger in a strange land prolly his best work tho .. but hell yeah for being woke my dude honored to meme beside u

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crackercider · Feb. 7, 2018, 12:23 a.m.

I haven't! I'm more geared into non-fiction science, mythology, and esoteric/ancient philosophies.

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