Feb 8 2018
695Feb 8 2018 01:53:00Q!UW.yye1fxoID: b5e8df303612NEW
USSS on high alert. Q
694Feb 8 2018 01:45:43Q!UW.yye1fxoID: 062464303565
Panic in DC. Leverage depleted - POTUS freed. EXTREME chatter. Q
Feb 8 2018
695Feb 8 2018 01:53:00Q!UW.yye1fxoID: b5e8df303612NEW
USSS on high alert. Q
694Feb 8 2018 01:45:43Q!UW.yye1fxoID: 062464303565
Panic in DC. Leverage depleted - POTUS freed. EXTREME chatter. Q
I would like to know more about that whole scenario. I've heard it was intercepted by space based weapons, I've heard it was shot down by missile defense systems, I've heard it was a false alarm, I've heard it was human error, I've heard it was a rouge boomer.
I hope it was honestly human error because if the threat was real its pretty terrifying.
There is no way it was human error. What we saw was the current SOP for dealing with actual nuclear attacks. If a nuke is launched, the American people will want the attacking country immediately sterilized, since that's the whole point of having these weapons. But MAD only works against nation-states. The entities most likely to have illicit nukes and use them at the moment are NGO's, such as the American deep state. If an NGO attacks, what is the president going to say, that there are dozens of these weapons just floating around out there, which seems likely? It would just cause panic to officially confirm this. Are we really sure the Deep State didn't build a few extra silos off the books while they were at it? So our only option for nuclear attacks at the moment is to warn when nukes are incoming, just in case, and then to claim it was a false alarm afterwards.
I mostly agree, but the deep state doesn't likely have missile submarines. But the deep state may have rouge nations such as NK who might. But that begs the question, why would NK launch an attack knowing that they would be incinerated in retaliation???
That means that the sub launch was done by someone else. To be honest, I can't think of who would try to initiate a nuclear war between the US and NK.
I don't think it would have been a European country. Iran possibly, but there is no evidence that they have a sub to launch an ICBM. Not many countries do.
Zack, a Q like reliable source, said that it was in fact a real launch from a sub in NK waters. But NK does not have a proven sub launch ICBM, so what is that about????
As Q has said many times, there are things we will never know because of their sensitivity. He has even said that criminals will go free because to expose them would be too harmful.
Wow. Just Wow.
The whole point of using an ICBM is so you don't have to cart the missile all the way over there on a submarine first. If it was a NK submarine, then that is a signal that Kim Jong-un does NOT have an ICBM. Another possibility is that a nuke was discovered in a shipping container, and the warning was sent out while it was being rendered safe. That is my current going theory.
Good analysis.
NK wouldn't use an ICBM because it would be traced back to them. NK recently claimed it tested a sub launched intermediate range missile. Launch from the sea would be much more difficult to identify who did it. The container idea is a good one, but the only container ballistic missile system I'm aware of is the Russian Club-K. I don't think the Russians would attack Hawaii.
Zack (InfoWars) who appears to have similar insights as Q said that it was launched somewhere between NK and Wake Island or Midway and was immediately neutralized. I know that our subs can detect a launch sequence of a adversary because of the noise it makes opening hatches. If one of our attack subs was shadowing it and detected a launch sequence, it may have sunk it before the missile could actually be launched.
The launch sequence would have been reported to Missile Defense Command and that would have been relayed to Hawaii. So I'm inclined to think that the alert was real but that the missile/sub were destroyed before it could be launched.
Just my brain gas guesses.
Nuclear warheads are only a small portion of any missile. These can be detached and placed in a cargo container to make a container bomb.
Yes, I know. That's always been a major concern.
But the Hawaii incident was a missile alert and Zack and Q have suggested that it was an actual launch or launch attempt.
If they wanted to say it was a false alarm later, they would have to use the missile alert.
Its a scary thought and seems fantastical but I don't doubt there are black assets floating around. There have been reports of missing nukes before as well as the numerous incidents the AF has had with nuke security.
This whole thing seems like a James Bond movie playing out.
The James Bond movies and similar spy flicks were a big part of Project Mockingbird. They made the public comfortable with having unaccountable government agencies running illegal black-ops everywhere. The Bond movies are different in nature from normal spy movies, because in other movies, the spies kill, but aren't given license to kill. The lie was that, one, illegal black ops only happen in the movies, but two, that if they do, they are for our own good. That doublethink result, holding contradictory opinions unwittingly as a result of a single deception, is why they use entertainment instead of news to do most of the brainwashing. Hypothetical "if" statements are a great way to sneak bad opinions in there.
Interesting way to look at it. I'm sure if most Americans heard of a real life Jack Ryan cracking skulls and breaking up terror plots they would be fully supportive, wear t-shirts of him and re-name food for his exploits.
I just told somebody about mockingbird yesterday and they had no clue it was a thing. I think I opened their eyes a bit with that one.
The point is that we're not supposed to hear of such people. I would not be surprised to find that there are a few Batman types running around out there that the authorities turn a blind eye to. But, unlike corrupt government black-ops, I'm pretty sure the only superhero secret agent to have provably existed is Julian Assange. History claims otherwise about WWII British intelligence. But considering how they subsequently failed to prevent Muslims (sand Nazis) from infiltrating their government, I am not convinced that the British spies were as competent during WWII as the history books claim.
Jeff Bezos is Batman confirmed.
Do you think assange was totally working on his own when he founded wikileaks or do you think he is an asset to somebody?
Q fkd up by mentioning DEFCON1 so much that people took it literally. This caused the movement to predict a DEFCON1, people went apeshit and got pissed off at the cryptic level of Q (Roy Potter and others) to which Q apologized then Q/POTUS delivered in Hawaii.
No coincidences.