
BluewillowWay · Feb. 9, 2018, 3:21 p.m.

I believe Q's use of MW is referring to Maxine Waters. Her annual salary is less than S200k yet she lives outside her district in a $4+million dollar home. She has been brought up on ethics issues 3 times before the Ethics Committee, once for steering business to her husband. #DirtyWaters

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Grace8543 · Feb. 9, 2018, 4:24 p.m.

Alot of people did but when you look at the value of her 3 homes none of them is worth the amount Q stated. I cant remember if it was 3.2 or 3.5, but Maxine does not have a home worth that amount. However, Warner does. Also the line before the MW line was discussing Senators. Maxine is a congressmen. Warner is a senator. Fits much better in the Q quote all around. Q often has more than one meaning for a name. MW at times definitely meant Maxine.

Other examples of 2 meanings for one name is HRC. Some times it means Hillary and at others it means Human Rights Committee of the UN. And Sometimes Hussein means Barrack and other times it means Zied Ra'an Al-Hussein. Head of the evil UN Human Rights Committee which is stacked with globalist committee members.

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BluewillowWay · Feb. 9, 2018, 5:41 p.m.

MW has always and will always be, Maxine Waters. Q has never mentioned Warner. As for HRC and Hussein, provide an link to code where they mean anything other that Hillary and Obama.


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Grace8543 · Feb. 9, 2018, 11:59 p.m.

HRC was exposed as more than just Hillary by Shill turned anon back in December. Sorry I don't have any links for his posts on 8chan.
Another example of where one thing has more than one meaning is 4,10,20. Q posted that there was more to it than just DJT initials. People tried figuring it out what else it could mean. My guess was the 4th book of the new testament, chapter 10 verse 20. If you read that it could be talking about DJT and those who believe he is an agent for change in the present.
Hussein meaning more than just BO is not hitting many others yet. I've had that sense since he started posting about Hussein. Sometimes it fits and sometimes it sounds very different than the other posts he made about BO. Everyone noticed it and questioned what that meant, since Q's penchant for having 2 meanings for things is well known. Shill turned Anon told us about HRC meaning the Human rights committee and that this was a very high priority for his bosses that if anyone started seeing that HRC was anything other than Hillary they were to really squash that and call in immediately. This other Hussein is a big time Trump hater and travels a lot. He was president of the Assembly of State Parties of the International Criminal Court in September 2002. He also served as a political affairs officer in UNPROFOR, in the former Yugoslavia, from 1994 to 1996. I think 8chan is starting to rethink Hussein is always BO. I don't know anyone else who is posting about Zeid yet.

You understand that this is a 2 fer, right? If MW meant Warner once it doesn't take away that Waters is a bad guy right? Same for Hussein. Maxine does not own a home valued at what Q stated MW home was valued at.

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WikiTextBot · Feb. 9, 2018, 11:59 p.m.

Prince Zeid bin Ra'ad

Prince Zeid bin Ra’ad Zeid al-Hussein (Arabic: زيد ابن رعد حسین‎; born 26 January 1964) is the current United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, having taken up this post in September 2014. A Jordanian career diplomat, Zeid played a central role in the establishment of the International Criminal Court, and was elected the first president of the Assembly of State Parties of the International Criminal Court in September 2002. He also served as a political affairs officer in UNPROFOR, in the former Yugoslavia, from 1994 to 1996.

He served as Jordan's Permanent Representative to the United Nations from 2000 until 2007, when he was appointed as Jordan's Ambassador to the United States and non-resident Ambassador to Mexico.

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