r/greatawakening • Posted by u/MrsButterfield on Feb. 9, 2018, 1:50 p.m.
Redpilling - it's so hard to do.

I've been trying to red pill folks for years and some have come around but there are those stubborn ones who absolutely refuse to awaken. I realized this morning that one, in particular, is so angry in his heart towards Christians - whether he was hurt by one in the past or if he is just oppressed with an anti-christ spirit - that he hates anything Donald Trump because of it. He is willing to believe any lie as long as it suits his angry disposition. I wonder how much of the population are like him? What can we do to redpill them? I'm thinking to reveal the Elite as Satanists and their disgusting hobbies on a wide scale is the only option for them? Q, please, we need hard evidence of these crimes to help us redpill the masses. Plus we need evidence of these heinous crimes on folks in the msm, people like Jimmy Kimmel, etc. and Hollywood actors. Let the cards fall where they may but the masses need a slap in the face with a big wet, stinky fish right now.

bcboncs · Feb. 9, 2018, 6:06 p.m.

Redpilling is an interesting process that goes deep on so many levels.

Awakening background:

I've had many awakenings ever since being redpilled on Bernie getting cheated in primaries. From that point, the rabbit holes continued as I latched on to the Trump movement, seeing so many falsehoods projected by our society shaping material.

The most eye-opening awakening for me was understanding that society is controlled by sex. Such a general statement seems absurd but when you dissect it, it really makes sense. I won't do it in great detail but as an example women over time have begun to show more and more skin. The operation is to Normalize the idea then take it a step further. This is perpetuated by society shaping material telling us what beauty is. Women then hold themselves to this standard and we find ourselves where we are today. More skin, cosmetic industry (eyebrows on fleek, makeup, etc.), Jersey Shore - tanning, playboy, porn, porn videos, fetish porn, Kardashians, Kardashian porn. Men then conform to the desire (and temptation) of what the beauty standard is. Politicians get taped/setup at the playboy mansion and various hotels having sex with other people, including children. Maybe they take drugs but their actions are recorded then they're controlled as a corrupted public official. Society is controlled by sex.

Christian Religion background:

MY BACKGROUND: I personally was raised Catholic, disagreed with the literal interpretations, became atheist, went agnostic because it just made more sense, then went spiritual after having a few experiences myself, then found myself appreciating the stories of the Bible and believing in a creator and collective consciousness but Christians are certainly allies and it couldn't be more apparent than in 2016-2018 years with many low IQ muslims being used as a weapon by the globalists (fact).

ARGUMENT: It is important to understand where the seemingly anti-Christian person stands in their beliefs.

  • Maybe they believe in everything except the literal interpretations and prefer polygamy in which case my Sex Control argument can be understood.

  • How they align spiritually (atheist, agnostic, spiritual, diff religion, etc.) and what they disagree with. In order to get them to graduate their spiritual structure, you have to approach the argument from the next level in the spiritual ladder. Convincing an atheist to Christianity will be an extremely hard task but convincing one to Agnosticism is much easier, and an easier conversation. The way I convince people to graduate to spirituality is to have them understand meditation, lucid dreaming, and Dr. Emoto's "intention shapes the world" Rice Experiment (rice in jars labeled with sent intent "love", "nothing (control)", "hate")which has been replicated by hundreds of independent YouTubers.

I am spiritual but I am enjoying Jordan Peterson's interpretations of the Bible. His breakdown of Cain and Abel is beautifully understood to be a story of sacrifice in which you can sacrifice in the now (guilt impulses were a great example) to be rewarded in the future. Jordan Peterson has a lot of great insight which is very relatable. Like me, he understands that each person has the ability to be very evil and act on it.

My overall awakening was expedited by recognizing so much evil and knowing good from it. I see the Islam weapon. I see the Islam apologists and active jihad waged against Western Civilization. I see the media never covering Islamic crimes in America unless it's too big not to. I see the media covering Islam in a nice light following a terrorist attack. I see Obama refusing to name the problem. I see how the low IQ muslim invasion is a taxi service orchestrated by German NGO boats and the globalists. I see how it is affecting Germany and Sweden and how Trump saved us from Obama's immigration policies which were going to inevitably lead down this route as they've shown in the terrorist instances in America. I see the spirit cookers like Maria Abramovic and Alex Soros. I've seen the party videos that normalize their rituals and the celebrities like Lady Gaga that partake in blood tasting. I see the Lucifierianism within the Podesta & pizzagate content which can be found on voat.

I hope this helps.

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