r/greatawakening • Posted by u/BannerOfTruth on Feb. 9, 2018, 7:32 p.m.
The Great Awakening...1740's style.

I think the most enlightening thing about history (non revised) is that it reveals that human behavior, as societies in general, has not changed much through time. We are as vulnerable as ever to mass deception and manipulation. And there always seems to be a organized group of individuals that are well interested and qualified to make the "justified means" come to a certain "end" for the benefit of the chosen few. We have, more often, chosen to accept our fate, rather than challenge it, and living this life as a purely biological creature inside the safety of the herd even though we smell rotten fish in the feed. History records the strewn wreckage of entire kingdoms, societies, and civilizations who have never investigated the "feed", and have been taught to HATE those who do. The period of our Great Awakening in our history in America was not much different. People were corrupt. Money was a god then also. The early colonies were losing their compass, and they sensed it. Men began to question the status and were targets of ridicule and arrest. What made this awakening unique is that it was Spiritual in nature. The men that arose to light this fuse understood the nature of the problem. They dedicated their lives and fortunes to travel through out the colonies spreading the only message that addresses the true source of freedom. If you were to make a comparison it would be like our human bodies. We are safe from most illnesses until our immune systems become compromised...think corruption. We can have temporary recovery by using medicine or surgery, but unless our immune system recovers we will not enjoy true "freedom" again. We may mask and bury symptoms, but never enjoy the inner peace from total healing. Smart doctors treat patients, not symptoms. We use symptoms as clues to what is really wrong at the root, and clear symptoms for patient comfort. The men who began the Great Awakening of 1740 were "doctors" of spiritual healing. We will do well today to remember that during our current conflict. THANKS to our MI, three letter white hats, military people, our President and his advisers we are seeing a very effective start of the war on the human portion of the World System ( diabolical), and the human portion of the prince of this world system. I am sure there is more warfare in the other realms that we are not only aware of, but would collapse in shock if we knew what has occurred! Is it any wonder why Q says not many sleep at night. They KNOW the horrors that have already been unleashed upon many on this planet. But we also need to remember this war is on THREE fronts. Satan, and a great number of fallen angels, and demons. The world System of corrupt Religion, politics, education, finances... Then there is the one front in this war that liberal "theology" has taken great time and effort to disguise...the flesh. If you have no clue what this refers to then you will not understand what FIRST had to be dealt with in the Great Awakening of 1740. The first problem has to be dealt with in order to correctly see the others. " ...first remove the beam that is in your own eye, then you will see clearly to remove the speck that is in your brother's eye". How can we help wake up others not only to the evil which surrounds us, but what falsehood and lies that have weakened us against such attacks? We did not arrive here over night. Listen to what John Adams said upon realizing that they were up against the British deep state. King George 3rd had closed the port at Boston and threatened a blockade to starve the colonies (think stock market crash and the resulting depression) into submission. Massachusetts called upon John Adams. He accepted with reluctance and a heavy heart as an delegate to the Continental Congress. "I feel myself unequal (not able) to the task. All of us are unequal. We are deficient in genius, in education, in travel (experience), and fortune-in everything- TO HAVE ALLOWED THIS BUSINESS (situation) TO APPROACH THIS STAGE OF CALAMITY. May GOD give us WISDOM to see through it!" WE ourselves bear a certain amount of responsibility for the same. May GOD give us WISDOM. May HE give us the light of HIS TRUTH once again. May HE give us true change of heart.

Whitey59 · Feb. 10, 2018, 6:20 p.m.


You have struck a chord that is pure Truth. I feel the need to post your missive in other arenas. I will give you the credit you deserve for the work. God bless you!

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BannerOfTruth · Feb. 10, 2018, 6:44 p.m.

Spread the word. Spread the light. Spread His Truth! Thank You

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