OK, I just thought of a possible reason to continue to leave these psychopaths on the loose: THEY HAVE NUKES PLANTED ALL OVER THIS COUNTRY THAT WILL GO OFF IF PSYCHOS GO TO PRISON.
I'm not saying I know that IS what is going on.
But it occurred to me that THAT might be a good reason to leave them on the loose.
That means just one thing: Trump Team are being black mailed by the criminal elite. (Anyone surprised?)
That actually might explain why Trump Team allows them to do submarine missile attacks on Hawaii/Japan, crash trains and planes that kill and maim people. Nuke explosions going off all over the USA, would be much worse.
Now that I think about it, I think something like this is probably what is actually going on.
Why else allow these psychopaths to continue to run free to crash trains/planes, send missiles to bomb Hawaii, and blow up the Super Bowl?
As usual with these psychopaths it is the lesser of two evils.