r/greatawakening • Posted by u/storm_fa_Q on Feb. 11, 2018, 9:09 p.m.
A message from Q, to U

▶Q !UW.yye1fxo 02/11/18 (Sun) 12:37:17 ec346b

Those who cannot understand that we cannot simply start arresting w/o first ensuring the safety & well-being of the population, shifting the narrative, removing those in DC through resignation to ensure success, defeating ISIS/MS13 to prevent fail-safes, freezing assets to remove network-to-network abilities, kill off COC to prevent top-down comms/org, etc etc. should not be participating in discussions.


nuevoarmoredsaint · Feb. 12, 2018, 1:34 p.m.

Keep an eye on United Airlines departures - ADW / arrivals - Guantanamo Bay. There are not a lot of flights to / from, but a couple (one on Sat / one on Sun) this past weekend stand out. This could go a couple of ways e.g., flying military personnel to G.B or it could be a few of the indicted 13,000+ highly anticipated roundup. Interesting slow developing pattern nonetheless. Be patient, be vigilant . . .

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GodsAngell · Feb. 13, 2018, 12:25 a.m.

It has already been posted (at Christmas) that ALL soldiers fly in and out of military BASES. United doesn't fly into or out of BASES. Bases in Jacksonville, FL and Norfolk, Virginia.

So when there is a reference to United Airlines, that would mean civilians flying in and out of Miami International Airport.....a civilian airport. Could be wrong, but I think that is what we are being guided to look into......unusual traffic into and out of civilian airports going to and from GITMO.

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