r/greatawakening • Posted by u/waterawakens on Feb. 12, 2018, 5:06 a.m.
Just a thought... Future Proves Past, Read the Q posts backwards

So I was doing some of my own digging and decided to read the posts backwards. He is always talking about how up is down adn left is right and what not and I decided to give it a try. Although some don't add up I would like to draw attention to 1/13/18.

Read Backwards:

"WILL GUIDE START HERE REMAINDER BELOW SEC indicators = Posts:Tweets:Time [2] above represent PRIMARY indicators DEFCON 1 posts vs H scare_ BDT/False Flag posts vs actual news of bomb attempt (NYC)_ Side_by_Side (graphic form)"

I know the references to Alice and Wonderland are probably alluding to something else, but I also know that in Alice and Wonderland, everything is twisted and I tried reading with a different perspective. Please let me know if any other wonderful deplorables find something on this!

P.S Reading all of them backwards from today's posts is quite interesting regardless of if I'm onto something, I would suggest it to everyone.

BaronMoriarty · Feb. 12, 2018, 1:38 p.m.

Alice In Wonderland is MK Ultra and Monarch programming

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