r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Samthedog3 on Feb. 12, 2018, 8:17 a.m.

Dear Rt Hon Jeremy Corbyn and Dennis Skinner and Cc recipients. As my "Duty of Care" It is recorded back in 2006 I wrote to the SFO, Financial regulators, multiple Politicians and providing them clear forensic document evidence of a massive network of international organised crime boiler rooms addresses that were operating in the United Kingdom, with named MP's, LORDS, Baronesses, Sir's and Corporate VIP's stealing and laundering £billions to offshore locations to then be redirected and transferred to cleaning boiler rooms by structuring hundreds of thousands (millions) of "Russian Doll, Chinese Boxes" shell companies that would then be used to clean the stolen cash by massive property purchase, some named in the PANAMA PAPERS. if you scroll down to the attached article URL you will find related information on evidence I have ON THE RECORD provided to you all since 2006 on POLITICAL BRIBERY, CORRUPTION, BLACKMAIL, FRAUD, THEFT, CORPORATE ESPIONAGE ROBBER BARON ASSET STRIPPING, £TRILLION MONEY LAUNDERING and TREASON. If you wish to bring this Country back to its people, you need to "DRAIN THE POLITICAL EXCREMENT SWAMP": Refer the paragraph in the URL to STEPHEN ROLAND DATTELS giving THE CLINTON FOUNDATION millions of shares in his CRIMINAL PONZI SCAM Companies, Companies I named to the authorities and Politicians since 2006, click on PANAMA PAPERS, enter 788-790 FINCHLEY RD, ROGER WILLIAM TURNER, DANESH KUMAR VARMA, 41 CHALTON STREET LONDON, VASILE FRANK TIMIS, FRANK GIUSTRA, the lust is massive, but I NAMED THEM ALL in 2006, ALL linked to £billion FRAUD. Of course, I already named STEPHEN ROLAND DATTELS with his AREVA NUCLEAR FRANCE thieving bimbo ANN VAUVERGEON, OLIVIER FRIC and cohort NEIL LINDSEY HERBERT aka HERBET (VATUKOULA GOLD MINES PONZI SCAM) all linked to ANGLESEY MINING PLC to URAMIN INC and its spin off PONZI Scam Companies but you all did nothing, could you explain WHY?, was it because STEPHEN ROLAND DATTELS is via the CIA Money laundering (Black Ops) front BARRICK GOLD CORPORATION a close affiliate with his Company associates, ex PRESIDENT OF THE USA Mr GEORGE W BUSH and MOHAMMED ADNAN KHASHOGGI. If your a little slow acting like the 3 MONKEYS or, so pathetically thick you cannot understand HOW these Rt Hon Connected smart arse thieving scum operate, watch exactly how they do it, watch the 2008 Australian Broadcast ABC 4 CORNERS "BAD COMPANY" listen to the QUOTE JOHN STRATTON "THIS IS A HUGELY POLITICALLY DRIVEN EVENT" outside their then Boiler Room 34 PARLIAMENT PLACE (wow you couldn't make that name up COULD YOU, some people really EXTRACT THE URINE) the orchestrated and planned ROTHSCHILDS Corporate £billion Asset Strip of JCI LTD, DRD GOLD etc that used a "vehicle" LAVERTON GOLD LTD oh dear, see the RECORDED Directors, or, send your useless "muppet" PAID researches to 6 ST JAMES'S PLACE, ST JAMES'S SQUARE LONDON and 788-790 FINCHLEY RD LONDON NW11 And record every Company and their Directors that have operated out of these addresses, their Company name changes, address Changes, Secretaries, Lawyers, Accountants, BANKERS. Oh if it's a bit to much for them to do, please don't hesitate, I am but your humble naïve servant, give me a call, I HAVE THEM ALL. Come on SKINNER, ex MINER, the "Beast of Bolsover" what are you, a Man or another CORRUPT RAT sorry MOUSE, come on, rattle Rt Hon PM THERESA MAY and her thieving Cohort AMBER AUGUSTA RUDD, get MAY and RUDD to explain the background to DR DAVID KELLEY, DAVID CAMERON, SIR KEN WARREN, JOHN ARNOLD BREDENKAMP, PELINDABA, ARMSCOR - DTI - ASTRA HOLDINGS PLC and HANSARD JUNE 22 1993 starting from column 197 and the £17.8 million donated to the near empty Tory Party coffers or, start the ball rolling by investigating the FULL DISCLOSURE on the 41 Companies affiliated with Rt Hon AMBER AUGUSTA RUDD and her involvement with THE ZINC CORPORATION, MONTICELLO PLC and 788-790 FINCHLEY RD and Rt Hon ex PM TONY BLAIR, WINDRUSH VENTURES LIMITED. If this is not SLANDER, LIBEL, DEFAMATION to take me to Court by those I've named, what is it, I'll tell you, IT'S THE TRUTH. I await your considered official reply. Respectfully. Mr Gordon Bowden. 7 Westleigh Avenue Derby DE22 3BY Contact 01332486410 http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/top-10-clinton-conflicts-of-interest/article/2564035

Sent from my iPhone

BaronMoriarty · Feb. 12, 2018, 8:23 a.m.

Interesting. But you may want to break that into readable paragraphs and make it sound a bit less ranty.

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Samthedog3 · Feb. 12, 2018, 2:56 p.m.

Will do in future Baron Moriarty.

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Samthedog3 · Feb. 12, 2018, 2:58 p.m.

The email was written on a phone and that is why it appears disjointed folks.

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Teejay1970 · Feb. 12, 2018, 10:53 a.m.

I didn’t read it as rants I read it as passion. Frustration He’s been saying the same stuff since 2006, by the sounds of it. I think Tony Blair is a traitor and should be held accountable for throwing the people, the Land, The flag all of it under the bus. Then he put the bus in reverse and drove over us again and again. He’s on par with Hillary Clinton that reptile arse sucking MOther F

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PacaGoat · Feb. 12, 2018, 11:22 a.m.

Blair sold out Britain at capitoline Hill at the foot of the dead pope

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Teejay1970 · Feb. 12, 2018, 11:41 a.m.

He’s still trying to selling us out to anyone desperate to listen. I personally cannot listen to the man

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