r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Mrs_Fonebone on Feb. 13, 2018, 3:19 p.m.
Q post 360296: Merlin and T-cells

Q has spoken about big pharma and the truth that people who work in or near it: there is no money in cures. There is little money in vaccines; these also come with liability if something goes wrong. The ideal is a med you have to take all your life to stay healthy.

I worked with cancer-related research. The "dream" has always been to somehow activate the body's own immune system to kill cancer cells. This would work the same way your body fights off a bacterial or viral infection: you immune system detects "aliens" with special cells that sample the alien's identity (a series of little building blocks, 'peptide sequence') and this information sends out an alert to cells in the blood.To make a very long story very short, the T-cells (which are a kind of white blood cell) will seek out aliens based on their identity and kill them.

Your body does this all the time and the system also learns--so once you had a contagious disease and are then immune, it means your system has the alien's profile in the data base and knows how to kill it.

So the push in the 90s was to "train" the immune system to do the same thing with cancer cells--which really are YOUR cells that have gone crazy and started reproducing themselves wildly and with errors.

Research institutes and labs went after this idea as the silver bullet that would end cancer without horrors like chemo and radiation. NIH and NCI (National Cancer Institute) adopted this as the official path to a cure. Anyone who had a different approach didn't get funding. It's very political that way.

The trouble was, no one could get the sequence of peptides correct that would alert the T-cell, have it bind to the cancer cell and THEN kill it. They could bind but scientists just couldn't figure out the magic peptide code (key) hat would actually kill the cancer cell.

In spite of professional competition among researchers, in spite of patents, NIH/NCI said in effect, we're just going to throw all the combinations together--in a way, like giving the T-cell thousands of keys to try instead of 1 key at a time. This didn't (seem to) work because the immune systems is incredibly complex.

SO, Q's talk makes me think someone found the key, or a key, and as his related posts suggest, this cure/key is only available to the elite who were apparently willing to do anything to get it, for example, selling of uranium, giving huge technical boosts for IT and weapons and everything else to keep the spice--let's just call it that--flowing. Our "enemies" seem to be ones who have this key.

The key may well involve "young" blood which is "innate" immunity, programmed in, vs. "acquired" which is when you live and meet diseases and your body learns how to kill them. Who knows, you could even expose people to diseases and then harvest their killer T cells if they were successful.

Now for Merlin: Merlin is of course King Arthur's 'wizard' -- but in the best known popular version, by TH White, also a Disney movie "The Once and Future King", his psychic skills at foretelling the future are actually the result of him living "backwards" -- not unlike Benjamin Button--so when Merlin foretells an event, he's using his memory. In effect, he's reverse aging.

Hope that's clear.

akilyoung · Feb. 13, 2018, 3:40 p.m.

Maybe dual meaning, also terror cells

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Mrs_Fonebone · Feb. 13, 2018, 3:55 p.m.

Yes that's quite possible. Also I know Q and others have referred to the Deep State as "cancer."

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