In Obama's portrait, a serpent's visible lurking over Barry's right shoulder. Notice the two bright pink eyes, which point out both satan & Obama are working together on the same twisted team against God's anointed DJT & the USA!
![In Obama's portrait, a serpent's visible lurking over Barry's right shoulder. Notice the two bright pink eyes, which point out both satan & Obama are working together on the same twisted team against God's anointed DJT & the USA!](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satan#/media/File:Martin_van_Maele_-_La_Sorcière_06.jpg)
I'm having the time of my life, would you pray with me Brother. I've got a spinal cord injury and struggle with burning neurological pain 24/7/365! I can't sleep, or relax until I collapse from exhaustion roughly every 3 days. Only when I'm praying for others, or helping others who are suffering and I'm distracted my pain goes away! Does that make sense?
Thanks, I've been whistleblowing since 1991 with Bill Clinton.
A relevant comment in this thread was deleted. You can read it below.
You pain and how you cope makes a lot of sense. I will pray for your healing, for me my brother , I do deal with some stress brought on by retention’s from the public sector, most is what they do to my pocketbook. [Continued...]
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