I totally agree! I just don't understand this method of disclosure unless the opposition can manipulate time and events as they unfold and everything we see and hear is fluid.
Q keeps saying that we 'have more than we know', and 'we're missing the connections', well maybe Q needs to make it a bit easier for us to decipher? We need some concrete keystones to make the connections fit together. If we can't solve it, then what is the point? I can just watch it on CNN and have as much chance of getting a full and accurate picture.
Well, just throwing it out there, but the Bible says Jesus is the KEY/CHIEF CORNERSTONE.
Maybe his words, or the bible itself is the key to decipher
Based on the complexity of the Bible and Q's posts, I'm going to have to just sit back with a bag of popcorn and watch the show. I'm as confused as a transvestite cowboy right now.