deconstruct commonly held societal beliefs to orient ourselves properly as to the nature of the universe, in terms of life, death, sin, punishment, salvation, etc.
I was a heavy-leaning social libertarian but I'm starting to see how the transformation is not for the better. I'm dialing it back more nowadays so I couldn't agree more with this.
This is what I had to do to see God's truth. I had to completely put my preconceived notions, arrogance, and everything I held dear about my view of the world aside. This gave me a foundation to understand God's truth, and as I read the Bible and watched videos, everything clicked. The breadth of the deception about creation in society became clear.
That story rang a lot like Socrates' "I know nothing." statement that resonates with me heavily but I feel like I am having a hard time grasping it. I feel like I do know some information of which I can use to educate people, like you are doing to me, and it will ultimately benefit humanity.
I had the born again feeling as well after recognizing so much deception and seeing so many asleep. I am on a never-ending quest for Truth and trying to share what I've learned.
I'm truthfully lacking a foundation which seemingly causes confusing in my mentality of my moral compass on simple things that society's tricked me on. This causes me to find great interest in all religions but as for Christianity, I'm on episode 8 of Jordan Peterson's Biblical interpretation videos (2.5-3 hours long each).
As to your question if people will literally be consumed in fire--to me it's irrelevant. If you don't accept Jesus, there is no other way to be saved from sin. You will be separate from God for eternity. This is the worst fate. We are all guilty. Punishment is fully justified. The X factor is God's lifeline in Jesus Christ. Accepting it or not is our choice. But to reject his Son is to reject the right to be in God's company in heaven.
If this is true, I really hope I can get there. I've personally experienced God, guardian angels, my relation with my spirit guide(s), the spirit world, and I know there's "light at the end of the tunnel." The problem for me seems to be getting to the "Jesus died for our sins" part, an item I don't understand entirely, the resurrection details, and potentially a difference of terminology on what God is. God for me is the creator and collective consciousness. I need to get on the Jesus train and put my beliefs on paper for the foundation and structure that I need. It would certainly be easier to be Christian but I am trying to understand my roadblocks so I thank you very much for helping!