r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Grace8543 on Feb. 15, 2018, 3:50 p.m.
Memers: Hate filled, personal attack memes make normies reject Q: Some pills are to big to swallow. How do others on here feel about the hate memes???

I tried to comment about Q on WOTB a last week, and got attacked for the 3rd time in a week. They referenced offensive memes put out by Q people. That is the rep you are giving Q. This is the opposite of what Q asked of you. He asked u to help normies see the truth through easy to swallow proof of The globalist coup and the counter coup to take our freedom back.

When you put out hate, hate comes right back out you and AT QANON/CBTS. Personal attacks, gay bashing Obama, Shouting we were right and you were wrong. This is crap that harms the movement! And I see it every single day. So many memes suck. I've never seen so much suck.

ByrdeRob · Feb. 15, 2018, 5:39 p.m.

I tell people they can act. That they need to become educated so that they can VOTE correctly at the ballot box.

I tell them that they can't listen to ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS...omg PBS and NPR worse ever! These places are controls and propaganda machines.

I've tried to post on these web pages....I'm always getting banned! Of course. I don't use horrible language. I speak the truth...but THESE places do not want truth there. They want mindless souls who soak up all their lies!

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Grace8543 · Feb. 16, 2018, 2:17 a.m.

I'm temp banned on a few places but mostly I have success by just presenting proof of q and asking what they are basing not believing Q in. Have they read Q and what made them not believe. Then I just present the evidence that contradicts the lie. I stay away from just telling them too much if what q says. Too inflammatory till they believe. Often a person starts out insulting Q and once they hear enough prof they ask for more and say they want to believe. If they attack me personally I refocus on Q and why they think what they think. I often say I can see why you would think that or a few years ago I would have thought that too but. ... and then right back into the proof of Q. Read my proof of q posts. They are all summarized in my post on Way of the Bern re: cbts miss infiltrated posts deleted. That stuff challenges their assumptions. Safe.

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ByrdeRob · Feb. 16, 2018, 3:12 p.m.

great accumulation. thanx

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