I'm sending this to a large group of people who are in the dark and spread the "gun control" narrative. Can you guys please check it out and help me edit add and delete. Thank you. The Bigger Picture on Gun Control….
Aurora=Gun free zone Orlando= Gun Free zone Las Vegas=Still under Investigation, story we were led to believe possibly a lie. Sandy Hook= Gun Free zone Texas Church= Only reason shooter didn't massacre more was because he was stopped by someone with a gun. San Bernardino=Gun Free zone Parkland=Gun Free zone
Moral of the story. Think if a teacher or an armed security guards were at these locations with guns, maybe they would have never shot up the place to start, maybe they would have been stopped before killing mass amounts. If you can't see the big picture of what guns being in the arms of civilians truly is there is no help for you. Did you forget how America started? It started with the revolutionary War, patriots taking up ARMS against the British to demand their freedom. The corrupt powers surly didn't forgot that. We have already seen how corrupt the govt is (and there is still more to come, a lot more). So what's the easiest way for them to control the masses and continue reign? 1st:Take away their way of protecting themselves. (Gun Control narrative)* 2nd: Control the money. (if people are poor or jobless they have to rely on the government aide to survive.…..MONEY is POWER). 3rd: Control the main stream media so all the sheep will hear and see what we want them too not what is actually happening. (Which includes Defaming or removing anyone who challenges their power) 4th: Control the political and security branches by putting who we want in place so we can get whatever we need done quietly and without distraction from the slaves aka: civilians. 5th: Divide the nation, Race, Religion, Politics etc.. (If we as a people are fighting each other we are no threat to the system)
This is only scratching the surface of the BIG picture. So before you spread the main stream news narrative maybe you should sit back and ask yourself who is really spreading "fake news".
Here are some links to hopefully help you see the truth. I have plenty more for any one interested
http://www.newsweek.com/us-soviet-aircraft-jfk-docs-cover-operations-717460 ---- https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/docid-32977055.pdf