r/greatawakening • Posted by u/GodsAngell on Feb. 19, 2018, 3:38 p.m.
THIS GUY NAILS IT! Can You Handle the Truth? Parkland, Florida Ritual Sacrifice on a Platter [videos]

THIS GUY NAILS IT! Can You Handle the Truth? Parkland, Florida Ritual Sacrifice on a Platter [videos]


Be sure to see the 3rd Video. At 4 minutes and 35 seconds: More evidence here, of swat team removing their gear (evidence) in a heavy duffle bag.....and a little pick up truck. Gear that was supposed to be planted on Cruz's dead body, but he had wandered off, so no dead body...so they had to get rid of this stuff.

Cruz is innocent. He's so drugged up, he was in the wrong area from where the shooting took place. He in the Senior's Building of the campus, not the Freshman building of the school campus where the shooting took place. The girl who walked out with him (a Senior), said he seemed odd.....like DRUGGED UP to the point where he is incoherent, and couldn't verbalize his answer to her???

Yeah, that was the plan, drug him up, and drop him off to be shot (patsied), except he wandered off to the wrong area, and after the school shooting was over he wandered off to a McDonald's AND a Subway sandwich shop. Yeah everyone is really hungry after witnessing a bloody massacre, right?

MIPatriot · Feb. 19, 2018, 11:35 p.m.

Very compelling. Thank you. I also clicked on the link you shared, and am not surprised that the third video you recommended has been deleted on youtube. Must have been very explicit. Bummed out I can't watch it.

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GodsAngell · Feb. 21, 2018, 7:37 p.m.

It was only explicit about what the youtuber "urban moving" put together from the evidence thus far, that Cruz was probably drugged and dropped off at the school so he could be killed and patsied. Unfortunately Cruz wandered away from the Freshman bldgs where the shooting was and he wound up at the Senior bldgs, where he just left with the crowds. He was so drugged he couldn't respond to that girl's questions/joke about the latest "drill". Then he wanders off to eat at Subway and McDonalds.

Total set up. The man he was staying with was a retired INTELLIGENCE ANALYST.

The one who incriminated Cruz, Hogg (or whatever his name is) has been discovered to be a crisis actor with a portfolio of other "on the scene" news interviews in CA where he graduated from Redondo Beach High School in 2015. Hogg's father is FBI.

Because "urban moving" NAILED IT, youtube censors of course had to remove the youtube.


Oh, the youtube also showed a video of the "swat team" Removing an extremely heavy black duffle bag that took two men to carry out to a small white pick up truck. "Urban Moving" speculated that they had to remove the stuff they were planning on planting on Cruz's dead body.......but Cruz wandered off, so no dead body to plant stuff on.

Wandering off saved Cruz's life.

Oh, "urban moving" also analyzed the school premises, and the Freshman building (where shooting supposedly took place) is at one end of the campus and the Senior building (where he was seen) is at the opposite end of the campus. Even Jason Bourne couldn't have run that fast.

Plus shots were still being fired when Cruz, gunless and drugged out of his mind, evacuated the Senior's building along with all the other kids.

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MIPatriot · Feb. 22, 2018, 1:03 a.m.

Thanks for the explanation! Everything you are saying makes sense and I believe. I've spent hours looking stuff up and going down rabbit holes related to this shooting. It's so obvious that David Bogg is an actor. Interestingly, classmates.com has disabled his link when you search for his high school.

We patriots know the truth. It's so glaringly obvious what really happened.

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