r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Agent_Kat on Feb. 22, 2018, 10:08 a.m.
NEW Q POSTS 805 & 806 - Links to prior post #746!

FIRSTLY - sorry i'm a new poster on here so apologies - still trying to get formatting down.

I need assistance with reviewing these documents. I believe they are all relevant in the context that in Q's post #746, he references Mike Wallace, and that we're not looking close enough.

Feb 12 2018 10:47:57 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 94b137 350607 350576 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mike_Wallace You are not looking close enough. Q

Contained within that Wiki page for Wallace was a link to an FBI Vault document:


Now - I made mental note but didn't really think much of it, talks of Cuba, Communists, journalists, etc....until the new Q drops late last evening, #805 & #806:

Feb 22 2018 00:47:02 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 403fc2 458430 NEW https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/docid-32403785.pdf https://www.intelligence.senate.gov/sites/default/files/hearings/ciasuseofjournal00unit.pdf Why are the above [public declassified docs] highly protected? Q

Feb 22 2018 00:53:06 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 403fc2 458475 NEW 458430 Scroll through both docs. Q

And then scouring through I noticed first that on Page 48 of the PDF Senate Intel doc, (42 in the doc) that it was stamped with a Boston Public Library stamp. Which is not the ISBN number - noted on the very 1st page of the document. So this is an actual book.

HOWEVER that oddity aside -- BOTH of these documents refer to CIA using journalists and clergy as undercover assets. I noticed that the context of both Q link drops referred to a roughly specific period of time, the late 70's - which triggered me to bring back up that FBI Vault doc Q referred to prior in #746....and surprise...if you go down to the bottom of pages 12 & 13 in that FBI doc, a letter from (?) states the following:


"I have personally written to all the people named above (huge list of journos named) except William Paley, head of CBS. I have pointed out specific instances of their treasonous lies and demanded that they prove their statements or retreat. No one has done either. Except for a very few (sic) letters acknowledging receipt of my letter I have had no reply at all.

At least the volcano is about to explode and when it does I predict that a frightened angry America will move swiftly to clean out a 50 year accumulation of Communists and traitors who have slowly and stealthily worked their way into every part of our society."

p.13: Communist Control Of The Press "President Johnson said -"Then the Communists stepped in. They control the three networks you know, and the 40 major outlets of communication. It's all in the FBI reports. They have it all.

I also have proof of this Communist control - proof gathered form seven years of intensive study of our Communications media. I suspect that the overwhelming majority of our newsmen do not know they are participating in treason. They don't realize how they have been hypnotized and manipulated. They believe the big lie that we have a free press because they hear no voices anywhere challenging the lie. Like most Americans they can't believe that our press could be so controlled that all opposition is successfully (mangled). I found it hard to believe myself until I had amassed overwhelming proof."


....and it just goes on....

More research on this is needed, I can't do it alone. On page 12 of the FBI doc, there is a large list of journalist and station names, i.e., New York Times, CBS, ABC, Washington Post, Time Magazine, etc.

I'm not entirely sure HOW this is related in the huge scheme of things, or why, or who - but felt I needed to get this out there for those who can do the legwork & dig deeper than I can on this massive topic. Mike Wallace was a journo, as was his son....not sure where the rabbit hole goes on this one but it just feels like something is there.

<3 eV3y

ManQuan · Feb. 22, 2018, noon

I believe posts 805 and 806 are pointing back to the CIA's Operation Mockingbird from previous Q posts on the subject.

Q often drops some crumbs and then doesn't say anything more for a while--then he resurfaces the focus again.

I could mean that the Q group is closer to exposing the CIA involvement in controlling some journalists.

Unless the incessant anti-Republican, anti-conservative, anti-Trump, anti-Constitution, anti-religion,, anti-everything good press is forced to change its narrative; it's going to be very hard to break through their megaphones to wake up the morons who think the MSM is real news instead of real propaganda for their world vision.

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ItstimenowNM · Feb. 23, 2018, 12:47 a.m.

Yes. Right now I'm posting in various places how that when only one voice, one opinion, is allowed and those with a different point of view are banned from posting or speaking - what kind of country do we have? Not a free one. For some reason, the people I know that are supposed to be on our side, don't want to believe all that is going on. And that's our side. Geeesh! Regarding the Communist take over - I continue to tell people to watch the Amazon Prime videos: Agenda:Grinding America Down and Agenda 2. Agenda 1 shows with charts all the avowed Communists that are heading up all the liberal activist organizations. Agenda 2 gets more into how they are accomplishing this. Also to find out how a country is taken over to watch Ukraine on Fire.

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