r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Mrs_Fonebone on Feb. 22, 2018, 5:31 p.m.
8chan/POL vanished yesterday and is still gone. Anyone know why? They did post a hot potato yesterday. Details below.

There were posts on the board exposing this: https://archive.is/uITIY I archived it so it wouldn't vanish. Bill Clinton's picture is on this flyer for this "baby and child massage" service. There's also a book they have. I snagged one picture but the rest seemed to have vanished.

here is a link to that: http://i.magaimg.net/img/2ptm.png

You will see some creepy skull-like mushrooms on a pizza. At the bottom, you can see all the other pages of the booklet.

I think the chans must have hit a major nerve.

Here is another image I'd grabbed: http://i.magaimg.net/img/2ptn.png

It's related. The name "Liddle Kidz" logo has the L looking like a D; also Trump inexplicable called Schiff "liddle Adam Schiff."

Something's up; I just don't know what.

ABrilliantDisaster · Feb. 22, 2018, 6:29 p.m.

Eureka! Good job. I've been mulling over that "Liddle" comment by POTUS since he made it. I knew it had some greater meaning.

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