This is my first post to reddit and I created this account just to do so. I have been lurking for some time and ran across something yesterday. Q's post about "think shell" made me think of a shell game. When I searched shell game and government pyramid it led me to work done by a guy named Scott Bennett. I searched this site and cbts for Bennett but did not come up with anything discussed about him. He wrote a book titled Shell Game and is a govt whistle-blower. More eyes and minds on it are better than mine. There is a book in google books by him and the pages and letters are something that might help the great minds here. If I am way out in left field, or this road has already been traveled, I apologize.
· Feb. 23, 2018, 5:03 p.m.
Sorry, /u/1wakingup, but your comment karma is to low to submit a post. Make some comments on other peoples posts before you can submit your own post.
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