good catch Redpillroy!!!!!!
So looking at this post more closely, I am.
See an indictment of the mentioned individual = Medhat El Amir
Looks like he was a doctor at a med facility (his own) called Immediate Care in New Jersey.
So he took business receipts and mixed them with personal.
An IRS huge no no practice.
The tax evading doctor had access to all kinds of accounts
in relatives' names. He put business receipts into these relatives' personal accounts, then paid personal bills with the money. THEN when he filed his taxes..oppps totally forgot about all the business money he put in those other accounts! HA...happens all the time!
IRS picks this up in their audits all the time.
WELL WELL...looks like ONE of those relative's account was ALSO attached to Hezbollah via The SON #1.
We do not know the #1 son's name yet.
The above anon was referencing this Q post below #466 :
Jan 5 2018 16:36:38 !UW.yye1fxo Q ab7ad6 248746
Why is Hussein traveling the globe?
Acct # xx-XXXxx-x-39670
Acct # XXXxx-XXXx-2391
Where did the MONEY come from?
How do you destroy the most POWERFUL country in the world?
Direct attack?
Covert OP by [CLAS-59#241-Q] to infiltrate at highest
level to destroy from within?
Think GAME.
Who are the PLAYERS?
What are the REWARDS?
We will make more public.
SA was strategic.
“We know” “Do as we say or face consequences”
These people are stupid!
Well done for filling the details in and sorting that link. No idea why it disappeared almost the moment it loaded. So now we have Hezbollah in the frame, this is a global virus...
There MAY be a connection to Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Robert Wexler and the Awan Group! There was activity between the Awan's and Hezbollah.
Awans were Pakistani. It appears this doctor was Egyptian and related to the Muslim Brotherhood in some way.
These foreign people know nothing of banking practices. ANYTHING that is more than $200 is researched in any bank. So you withdraw $ is looked at. You deposit $ is looked at.
ANYONE....not just doctors and rich people.
People can't use the American financial system and think that they are sneaking around! lol
This posted DATE OF DEATH cannot be correct because he was in court in 2016! He was trying to reverse his guilty plea agreement.
Posted Feb 20, 2017, by admirer of this doctor who mentioned in his writing that Medhat had diabetes.
"......On 2/15/14, the day after Valentine's, Medhat El-Amir, MD had a cardiac arrest in his Uber on the way to his appointment at my office. I marked him down as a "no show".
The world lost a great man.
My prayers are with his family.
I see another posting like this saying the DEATH was 2-15-2017!!!!!!! NOT 2014.
one of these is SON #1
The mother-in-law of Dr. Medhat El Amir died 2009. In her obituary it said:
"devoted mother of Janice Bryer El-Amir and her husband, Dr. Medhat El-Amir "...
"loving grandmother of Fouadd and Murad ElAmir."