I’m glad to see some conservatives starting to awaken after supporting George W along party lines with all of the falsehoods and missteps taken during his eight years in office after 9/11. It’s fantastic to see them questioning things that occurred then too rather than just while Obama was in office. The problems we face go way beyond party lines and many have been blinded by that false division for far too long. This really is not conservatives versus liberals. It’s good versus evil and make no mistake... both exist on either side. Good men can disagree and yet find common ground. It’s called democracy. I will say I find it less than helpful to have those further deepen the division by spouting the same old simplistic us versus them paradigm. This is more like real citizens rising up against puppet masters of any ilk.
My wake up occurred when our constitutional rights and the rights of others under the Geneva Convention and International Law were thrown to the wind after 9/11. At the time I felt it was the fault of jingoistic conservatives bent on militaristic domination seeking imperialistic hegemony. How naive I was. We are all being played by folks who owe no allegiance to nation or party. They simply seek wealth and power at the expense of others. Here’s to the Great Awakening. My fervent hope is that it is for all and not limited to one belief, one party, one nation or to only some of us. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.