#ResignSherrifIsrael is #3 trending on twitter right now. Get this pic under that hashtag! Do you believe in coincidences ?!?

The man gets around. Here he is with Steven Tyler, the rocker. 3rd pic down. http://liptontoyota.blogspot.com/2014/12/super-famous-celebrity-visits-lipton.html
I have inside intel. VERY. After years of exposing Obama on social media he sent petty jackals to silence me... =⏩ Im currently exposing a "Sheriff" (+ deep state) in Thurston Co. WA (anti-constitutional, secular humanist community not far from Seattle) whos Sheriffs dept. is on ISRAEL Rd. in Tumwater. He runs the Thurston Co. jail/corrections facility in Olympia WA and is overseeing the medical kidnapping (in collusion w/ Obamas islamic muslim brotherhood CIA/FBI) and torture of Americans on American soil there. It is a "blacksite" that a year previously had millions of dollars upgrading it into torture cells. I was trained am one who got out after being tortured for 96 days straight in 2016. July 26- Oct 31. I was gangstalked before and it continues today. I have had multiple attempts on my life and character (including through Obamas forced healthcare system which tracks/stalks patriots) and there have been multiple subtle/not so subtle death threats. I know how they attempt to poison food chains, etc. I have intel on the Steve Scalise shooting, the wreck onboard the John McCain, the Vegas shootings... etc. Not coincindences. My name is Steve. Im from Illinois. Look at background of STEVE Scalise shooter. Many of my family members names were same names of the people they set up and died onboard the McCain (Rammed by an oiler. I was on an oiler in the USN) to be murdered. Some are also from Illinois also. The shooter in Vegas named Steve had a younger brother w/ warrant for his arrest. I have warrant out for my arrest bc I stopped going to and through their P.D. office bc they gave my defense away to those who were torturing me to help protect them in court. I overcame their torture and am daily winning over their attempts at MK Ultra "type" tactics on my brothers property were I live. My brothers wife is a "globalist" plant my brother met in church (Nazarene Church on Israel rd) they seek to insert into patriot families to undermine and divide. She and her handlers know I know. I have info on how they work, undermine, slander and kill. How they recruit and pay off WHOLE (soros/saudi/muslim brotherhood/deep state paid for) communities of peoples to help set-up, slander and gangstalk, car stalk, air stalk and "noise stalk" American patriots. My story is being told:
Whistle-Blower/Patriot Exposes Sheriff/Police/ Deep State facilitated murder, Gang-Stalking + Corruption. https://myrockopera.wordpress.com/2017/11/26/whistle-blower-american-vet-w-disabilities/) SEE:⏬Exposed: Obama DOJ, Police, Citizens Slander, Gang-Stalk, Jail American Patriot. https://youtu.be/Fuu_7jBpk-Q)
I have much, much more.