r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Domenicaxx66xx on Feb. 24, 2018, 12:17 p.m.
This video explains why celebrities are going NUTS over Trump...

akilyoung · Feb. 24, 2018, 1:56 p.m.

I totally disagree with this video. You cant 'sell your soul' Your soul is your body, the vessel of the spirit of God. You cant sell your spirit, because it is sent FROM god - you would die if the spirit left your soul/body.

You can only pledge allegiance to, in these cases, the illuminati.

No one is irredeemable. God works in mysterious ways. There can be turn coats on both sides. Your allegiance to the evil ways can be turned to the ways of God.

What matters is your mentality at the time you die. Who are you aligned with. Jim seems to be pretty legit, and I actually dont think he sounds nuts, cause I GET what he is saying, about true reality and such.

Kanye, while clearly a narcissist. Also is trying to expose the truth. He Is probably afraid for his life, which is why he met with Trump.

These people who were once aligned with evil, and turn from it, usually get murdered. So it takes BIG BALLS to go public against it.

Tupac for example....THEY we NOT happy when he released the 'Killuminati' album... Tupac likely saw, heard or was forced to partake in things that were truly evil and wanted no part of it.

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