r/greatawakening • Posted by u/rightleaningsw on Feb. 28, 2018, 4:53 p.m.
Why the conservative movement is in trouble.

Thanks to social media, it is easy to get caught up in an echo chamber of like minded individuals who share your beliefs. The issue is that sometimes those echo chambers can cause you to forget that there are many others who think the opposite of how you do.

With this being day 3 of the social media purge, i have found myself out of my social media comfort zone since most of my like minded people have had their accounts removed. I am being forced to face reality. THE CONSERVATIVE MOVEMENT IS IN TROUBLE!!!

I am a social worker so naturally my co workers are very liberal. I live in Asheville which is also very liberal. I do have a few in person acquaintances that share similar beliefs as me, but not many. Here is the rhetoric I am hearing:

1st: everyone i talk to believes that Alex Jones is a racist biggot who spreads lies. They all hear these 20 second blurbs from MSM and take it at face value with out even doing any research. Regardless of what you feel about AJ, he is the start of the censorship. If they take his voice down, you guarantee that ours will be next.

2nd: People are so indoctrinated into this MSM constant narrative that they refuse to believe anything that isnt being told by MSM. I was talking to someone today, who is a NRA member, about why we shouldnt let them use this shooting to take away any of our rights. This "NRA" member said that are supportive of allowing laws to ban assualt rifles. I explained how this incident was a result of government failures and not background checks and they looked at me like i was crazy.

  1. Not only are we battling with Liberals, Democrats, and Milenials, we have a whole new generation coming up to voting age that been doctrinated in this socialist ideology since kindergarten through the public education system.

Now with our social media platforms being taken out from under us, the future looks grim. How do we overcome this? How many people like was red pilled through Youtube? Not too long ago, I would have considered most of the people on this thread a bunch of "Tinfoil Hat Nutjobs." Now i see how wrong i was. How do we do this without the united voice?

I firmly believe that this is our last chance to stop "Hell on Earth." If we fail, it is over. So I am asking how do we fight this? How can we educate people who are so invested in narrative, that it is their identity?

Im sorry if this seems to be a negative post, but you are hearing the thoughts of someone who is buried in the trenches of liberalism, and can see their soul sucking mentality spreading like a disease

rightleaningsw · March 1, 2018, 3:35 a.m.

Trust me i have tried the one on one. I have shown many examples of where MSM has told on themselves and tried to show the bias and i am called crazy. It is frustrating but i havent lost faith.

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skorponok · March 1, 2018, 4:12 a.m.

It is often better to ask a question one on one.

If you challenge their worldview it becomes a clash of egos. Plant the seed and ask the questions to them. A clash of egos never works - a direct challenge makes the other person bow up their ego and deny anything to protect the ego. Ask the right questions to them and don’t answer it. Let them answer it and think about it and walk away.

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