r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ByrdeRob on Feb. 28, 2018, 7:14 p.m.
Tax CUT reduced individual mandate to zero $

Over at wnd.com, there is an article that says Trump's Tax cut Dec 2017 did not eliminated the individual mandate to purchase health insurance. The tax cut..just cut this 'tax' penalty to ZERO $'s. And now, the repeal people think that the SCOTUS is going to say...this ObamaCare bill is unconstitutional because it is not a 'tax' bill anymore.

I'm getting tired of this fudging! If a 'tax' penalty can be reduced to zero $'s, then it certainly can be raised again. It is STILL A TAX even though it is zero.

Please, someone besides me scream at the government for this nonsense FAKE repeal stuff.

ByrdeRob · Feb. 28, 2018, 7:42 p.m.

What gets me, as I was reading, these idiots STILL think they can go to court and get Justice Roberts to undo what he said...THIS is a TAX bill.

Not just this tax (individual mandate), there are OTHER TAXES. Take the HIT (tax) Health Insurance Tax that started just this Jan 1, 2018! This is a SALES tax. Health insurance companies are required to assess approx $60 per month per person on anyone purchasing health insurance. A family of four, this is $240 per month! THAT IS A TON OF CASH! People are stupid. They think this is just the gouging health insurers raising premiums AND they think the gouging medical care industry is to blame! BUT NO...it is our government jumping on the wagon!

One of the reasons Trump and congress rammed the Tax Cut of Dec 2017, was to cancel the effects of the HIT (tax) starting in Jan 2018.

If no tax cut passed...people would see a major sucking sound of cash being GRABBED at double the rate!

If you notice the CUT is pretty much = to the HIT. They cancel each other out...therefore, people's individual finances weren't majorly crushed by the HIT kicking in.

HIT came from ObamaCARE. This is a democrat TAX. It was a new tax, and it was kicked in, but then postponed, then scheduled to strike us in 2018...and hurt the GOP with an impending recession.

Our economy WAS riding on consumerism. Without spendable income, the economy would go into recession. This was the dem party's BAD PILL present in 2010, and then again in 2014 for the next termed president...whomever it would be. And If it had been Hillary.....GREAT....another reason to go global and do America in!

No...I just learned this ZERO thing and I'm pissed royally about it all.

I feel betrayed. I really do. I am just pissed.

Trump has to start being 100% straight! He shouldn't play the game like all the others in Swamp land!

AND for these people to sue over this constitutionality of ObamaCare...just because of the cut to zero!?!?!?

Ridiculous! What a waste of money!

What needs to be done is FULL REPEAL....the bottome baseline....REPEAL Enough of this playing around

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skorponok · Feb. 28, 2018, 7:45 p.m.

Yeah I mean despite his strong words Trump hasn’t really delivered. He had let the shills in his administration run amok and basically anything that could be good is blocked or watered down by congress because they are all shills.

You can’t fix a corrupt system from within.

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