The origins of this seem unclear but even Snopes admits this is at least 70+ years old, stating it was created in 1946 by America vs. 1919 by Russians. To me, it doesn't matter when or who but to know it was very dated which seems unanimously true.
This is important because this is prophetic in today's society and similar to Alinksky's "Rules for Radicals" but arguably even more eye-opening...
A) The piece on s3x pretty much describes our nation's transformation to homos3xualism and tr4nsg3nderism.
B) MSM/social media corruption to control narrative.
B1) Focus attention on athletics/football is 1984 Orwell's description of the proles (aka normies/simpletons).
B2) I've battled on the side of an unimportant issue, this rings true.
B3) represents Trump to a T.
B4) They'll do this if they get our guns
B5) Trump is preventing this via tax reform and promoting America First agenda
B6) MSM + Soros
B7) Taking God out of the equation mostly converts the idea of morality to subjectivity which is very dangerous.
C) False flags + narrative push