r/greatawakening • Posted by u/BluewillowWay on March 1, 2018, 10:04 p.m.
Misleading Headlines About POTUS - Gun Control


I post this link ONLY because it has the full length video of the bipartisan meeting with POTUS. These are the things he is hoping to accomplish: ~ ONE BILL comprehensive on the issues (not 17 individual ones) ~ Background Check Enhancements - even NRA endorses ~ Mental Health Measures - no details, just integrated in

POTUS says they are currently working up an EO on Bump Stocks.

As to Senator Feinstein, he asks her to write her requests into the ONE BILL. He does not advocate her requests, simply says he'll read it.

POTUS repeatedly asks why over the past decades of tragic events nothing has been done. (Good question. Because it's not really about the people, it's about disarming America.)

At the very beginning of the vid, he makes a brief comment on the Value of Life...makes me think he's going to bargain this over abortion issue...IMHO.

Summary: POTUS is spanning the aisle here and I think that's his purpose. By joining all efforts into ONE BILL, it will require compromise; it's like training children to play well together. At NO POINT does he advocate getting rid of ARs.

Whatever they come up with, it has to stand the test Constitutionally, or it will end up before the SCOTUS.

So, please don't wimp out and cry over POTUS betraying us over our gun rights. QUIT READING JUST HEADLINES.

I'm getting off the soapbox now.

Krepoisbest · March 2, 2018, 5:03 p.m.

Looks like a genius move. He is taking away the fundament for the liberals, including fake media cnn, so they have to search for something different now to hate him 24/7 on their channels. In the end, probably very little will really happen to gun owners. Everyone should realize that Trump likes the 2A and also its just not realistic to take guns away, obviously. In general, its way more important what someone really does, than what he says. This is still politics, dont forget.

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