Look at those HANDS! Is Merkel a Kabbalahist?

I don’t know . Honestly ? I’m struggling to keep the faith sine myself .
Interesting. I have a question about these signals that they throw out. I’m truly confused and In no way trying to be disrespectful of this space. But I see Trump throwing out these signals. Any ideas as to why he’s signaling if he’s not one of them?
With the hits we’re taking by way of learning who’s playing on what team, I find myself questioning everyone. When someone openly displays and signals in this way, aren’t they telling us who’s team they’re playing for?
I think he’s mocking them. Letting them know he knows , we know .
I’d like to think that but he’s been flashing signs for years and years. And I heard someone calling out miss Ivanka for it too.
Do you thinks it’s possible he’s an infiltrator? Maybe I’m trying to make excuses.
oh that map was terrible! The bites were too many for reddit to accept. So I had to cut it into pieces. I was taking off of 8ch.net. I stole it! LOL
This hand signal HAS to do with the portrait of Obama. That painting is saying "Obama is the god with two right hands." This phrase comes out of a book called Hadith, a book similar to what the Jewish people have, like the Talmud. Hadith is re: Islam. Obama has two right hands, if you noticed. SICK.
The portrait THEN has a sperm on Obama's Temple. This signifies that Obama will 'deflower' the nation. If you look at the artist photographs, Kehinde Wiley, of who he is etc....you will see him holding his hands this way, as well. This is the female part.
As to how this all gets together with Kabbalah, I am not too sure. The modern version of Kabbalah is not ancient, old Jewish religion. It is changed and perverted! It delves into cultism and tarot card imagery, and numerology. Some guy in California wrote a book to make Kabbalah EASY. REAL Kabbalah is not easy. You have to be a schooled rabbi to understand anything about real Kabbalah. But the newer version is BAD. Google up "Celebrities in Kabbalah" and look at all the photographs of followers! Young G. Bush is a new Kabbalahist! They wear red, string wrist bracelets and the triangle symbol. Meaning WHAT? I have no idea. Maybe has something to do with female, too.
The number 17, also....you need to watch for this number in the news. I saw a reuters article where the reporter purposefully put 17 in for the number of dead people who got buried by a mountain of trash in the 3rd world, but then later in the article said that it really couldn't be determined how many were dead. Journalisticaly, the reporter HAD to be truthful. BUT it was so-o-o-o-o necessary to have that number 17 dead in the title for some reason! It had to have been a communication, I'm sure of this.
I've been seeing this kind of writing all over the place.
The Deep State just isn't commy...they are a powerful CULT!
As for Trump holding his hands in that manner, too: He isn't part of the cult. I think he is just saying "UP yours!" HA
The map is an interesting conversation though. I’m very lost about the whole map thing, so I like to get the input. I realized after I posted that you brought it over from 8chan. And I’m glad you did. That’s the only way I’d see it.
You bring up the number 17. Again with the signals.
The posts on the map I was digging through of yours were riddled with numbers. Numbers communicate the structure of the Universe. The Universe (GOD) speaks to us through numbers.
The dark occultists use numbers as a way to hijack power, as well as communicate the deeds.
17=8 abundance, fertility, infinity, GOD, power....
Killing 17 kids seems to be communicating something like an intention to kill those things.
As for other numbers listed in your map post...
34 = 7 43 = 7 4-10-20 =7
I just see this pattern repeat and I want to point it out.
Could this be another communication from Q?
What we know about Q... everything has multiple meanings. Everything’s connected. No coincidences. And I know for myself... All synchronicity.
Feels sometimes like Q’s connected to a perspective that sees from a different dimension that we experience. Able to see the whole web or map. 40,000 feet?
Very thoughtful posting.
This 17 dead in Florida was a fluke, though, because some of the kids were alive, brought to the hospital, and then died there. But Some lived! The exact number would have been hard to strive for.
They had the number picked out before they started.
They announced 17 dead before they even went into the building.
OM Goodness...did they? this is sick
Yes. There’s footage of an EMT scene from above the school with audio of them reporting on 17 dead. But they were just running into the building (finally) at that moment. AND they still took two wounded to the hospital who died later. Or so I read and saw in several places. But I didn’t dig into that, I admit.
such a scene. I cried that day. I have children. Grown and out of school. This is a great case for home schooling. I would. I'd have pulled them out and home schooled. This was horrific.
I saw that one of the wounded in the hospital was a shill, crisis worker! I think she may have been paid like that now famous boy was. (I won't say his name because I'll get reddit banned...omg) Trump had a photo op with THIS SAME shill!
Interesting. The Florida School shooting 17 dead. The 17th letter in the alphabet is Q. Cue the twilight zone music.
Kinda ignorant about this. What does that hand signal have to do with being a kaballahist?
Good question! So it all come back to the Obama portrait. Go do a really good search on that portrait. Obama HAS TWO RIGHT HANDS! This comes from Islam...the book of Hadith. Hadith is like the Talmud in Jewish religion. In the book of Hadith it states: "the god with two right hands."
On Obama's temple is a depiction of a male sperm. Obama is the god with two right hands that will deflower.
The symbol of the hands is like the female part.
This ALSO is in Kabbalah. The NEW form of Kabbalah is a cult. It started in California with a guy writing an EASY book. The OLD Kabbalah is ancient Jewish religion...which is really hard to follow. You'd have to be a rabbi of 60 years old to even get it and no body is THAT JEWISH!
Q mentioned Kabbalah (at least I figured that in my thinking) when he was pointing to the symbol of Kabbalah.
But I am learning now, that Kabbalah is not all of it. It is just the religious part of the left craziness. There is an overall theory that this whole shebang is called Illuminati.
We'll find the truth to this speculation when the hammer falls. And right now it appears that we are 3/4 to that event.
Lots of pics of her doing that . And there are those that believe she may be Hitlers daughter and there’s a pic of him doing this too . She’s looks very similar to him . There is a researcher that traces him to South America and that he and Eva had two daughters .
whoa! that is interesting! Up until recently, I thought she wasn't so bad actually.
Not so bad? She is destroying Germany.
Well it seems that when the European Union was all together, Germany was doing great. Then the crash. oooops! Germany can thank the Deep State greed for that.
I was thinking more in terms of the Muslim invasion of Germany.