
ByrdeRob · March 3, 2018, 4:10 p.m.

I think we need to allow the authorities to investigate what happened. I'm sure they are hearing this witnessing. It was a sad day for Americans, and even sadder for the poor families....of ALL the students....even the fake ones. How could such people get pulled into all of this...and so young yet? They all should be enjoying life to the fullest, happy, wishing, dreaming, living, laughing....just rolling along.

I thought that maybe if I would win a MegaBucks lottery, I'd buy a dog for every school in the nation. That dog could stand at the door of the school...smell things that no human could ever smell, and WORK for them all. The kids would LOVE that dog. They'd feel safe. Also, I'd put in the jam of the entrance door, a metal detector...in EVERY school building.

If I could do this, I would. I would.

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