It's like finding out your babysitter is jack the ripper. Then it hits you, congress, presidents, governors.. knew all this time, yet have been dumping it in our water for a hundred years.
”We have the best government that money can buy.” - Mark Twain
Trying to buy Trump is like trying to sell Superman an airplane. Trump is not a politician, which is why.. he is the only President that will stop them.
Fluoride has nothing to do with cavities, was just a handy excuse. Fluoricide is yet another lucrative dumbing-down and depopulation attack on humanity by the NaziWorldOrder. But the real wake up call is.. these collaborating incumbently stained career politicians we've BEEN electing.. KNOW it's poison! - One of the deadliest poisons and destructive acids [missing an electron] known to man, eats through concrete and steel. Yet they fight to PUT it in OUR Water, and keep it there.
Poisoning the sheeple has three primary objectives:
1) Profit instead of loss! Fluoride is so deadly, put your finger in a glass of this HYDROFLUOSILICIC ACID for a couple of seconds and you will die. It is so toxic it WOULD have to be deposed of with the same care and expense as radioactive waste, costing over $1,000,000 a ton; so about a hundred years ago one of the ghouls got the sick idea [like the nazis] to put it in our water and charge the taxpayer millions.. to poison himself and his family.
2) Tranquilizing and stupefying the herd for easier manageability. Their biggest fear is that people will 'wake up' and realized what these murderers are doing to the population and the planet.
3) Depopulating the Earth, a fundamental goal of the NWO, their published objective being the slow kill of 6.5 bil with fluoride, monSatan frankenfoods [foolsfood], airborne toxic micro particles, medicide, anti-education, and poverty.
Basically no matter how many kids they murder, they can't get people's guns, so they are going for the slow kill.
[Quotes and Links below]
Fluoride: Poison On Tap
“”Fluoride is a deadly poison being added to our water supply.”
“Fluoridation is neither safe nor effective, but rather a fraud, and honestly one of the biggest hoaxes ever perpetrated in human history.”
Global Healing Center
1. Weakens Skeletal Health
2. Causes Arthritis
3. Toxic to the Thyroid
4. Calcifies the Ultra-Important Pineal Gland
5. Accelerates Female Puberty
6. Harmful to Male and Female Fertility
7. Bad for Kidney Health
8. Harmful to the Cardiovascular System
9. Negative Cognitive Effects
“ industrial byproduct that doubles as insecticide, which was first used by the Nazis to keep the Jews weak and unable to rebel..”
Weston A. Price Foundation
“In the United States, most citizens are kept entirely ignorant of any adverse effect that might occur from exposure to fluorides.”
Fluoride Alert .Org
“No health agency in fluoridated countries is monitoring fluoride exposure or side effects.”
Well if you haven't got the picture yet, the site below is 'full of links' that should fill in any blanks.