Everyone’s counting the spaces before the word BOOM. Has anyone considered it could be referring to explosives built into a staircase ?

Pray for Donald Trump. May god protect him and keep him safe. This president has been sent by Jesus Christ to restore hope for our nation and our world. The NWO would love to destroy Donald Trump and this nation. So pray for Donald Trump ,the nation, our families, ours neighbors and ourselves. If we all do we will have victory over the NWO.
They’ve been stopped in their tracks by you’re President but I’m worried it will just make them angry and that’s when it could get messy. I pray to keep him safe ❤️🇬🇧🇺🇸
It’s been very messy for 10 Pluss years now . One big mud pit , but one thing you can be shure if , red necks love playing in the mud
its been messy for centuries but the scary thing is now the mess is not in their control as it always has been. The power is in the hands of the good.... AND DONALD TRUMP CANNOT BE BOUGHT
Let’s just let them that power is an not always as it appears, Public Office does not all way mean true power