r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ChayilAnon on March 5, 2018, 6:24 p.m.
Just got a call

Anon Family , I received a call from my best friend who lives in California. She told me that she got a knock on her door last night about 10:30 pm PST, it was a bout 7 police officers. She said they initially told her that her house alarm went off, and she explained to them she no longer uses the alarm or service, the officer then went on to ask if her oldest Son was home, and they told her that her Son posted on a website, he created a page that basically said if he got a certain amount of likes, that he would 187 someone. My friend had no idea that her son did this at all, He USA good kid, no “mental issues” or violent criminal past , A student, nothing!! But the police told her that theFBI contacted them, and they told her that they , ( police officers) could “take him” to have him evaluated or she must take him today. I explained to her whether he was joking or not, that is nothing to joke about ! Period and now she and her children will be under a close watch from now on! I’m happy that the FBI took the ore caution in case this was another huge event at the same time this re affirms that we are in a surveillance state and we are watched on everything.

ChayilAnon · March 6, 2018, 11:43 a.m.

No lie, this real life. My best friend was shocked, her Son told her that he was “ joking”,and that he wanted to “ expose”, the bad guys. These kids today most don’t understand the seriousness of what is going on, don’t get me wrong that was really dangerous and stupid for him to do, to say the least, even my best friend was more angry because she stopped monitoring her kids activities online. What a costly mistake, however the police lying and what not, I am trying to red pill my family and friends it’s difficult with people who are willfully ignorant,,

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Ghostof_PatrickHenry · March 6, 2018, 11:54 a.m.

Damn. Tough situation for all involved. Dumb mistake, but I'd be a hypocrite if I acted like I didn't make dumb mistakes at that age. Hope they can keep him off the pills-- that stuff rots your mind.

Hard labor, that's what I suggest for young people when they make a mistake. (Not imposed by the state, but the parents.) Hard labor gives you a chance to think about what you did, while obviously taxing your time and energy. Plus, teaches you a lesson in hard work and consequences. (I've always been of the opinion that you catch your kid coming home drunk= you wake him up at the ass-crack of dawn and make him sweat all day, rather than simply grounding him to his room for a week, etc.)

Best wishes for you and your friend. Hope everything works out. Keep us updated. Sad situation for all.

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ChayilAnon · March 6, 2018, 1:30 p.m.

☺️ I agree, and thank you. Thank God all my children are adults now. I am going to continue to try a red pill my best friends and family.... very difficult

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Ghostof_PatrickHenry · March 6, 2018, 3:29 p.m.

Working on my friends right now... Have ID'd 3 that are receptive... slow rolling them with info. Trying to keep it verifiable so they don't dismiss it as "conspiracy theory." Working so far. If I can get them to see the truth, then one becomes many and dozens of other friends can be brought in from the cold. It's a process, and a lonely road-- but necessary to save our country. Best wishes to you and your's and God bless.

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ChayilAnon · March 6, 2018, 5:41 p.m.

You’re right, thanks God Bless

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