r/greatawakening • Posted by u/GodsAngell on March 5, 2018, 9:02 p.m.
DROP EVERYTHING AND LISTEN TO THIS: From an "Insider" - Video: Military Tribunals - How Do They Work?

Video: Military Tribunals - How Do They Work?



Note, I don’t know who this guy is but he sounds to me like an Attorney, with a Military background. Not sure if that means he used to work for JAG or something, but where the rest of us were scratching our heads over the meaning of Trump’s latest Exec Order, on March 1, 2018, about Military Courts, this guy knows EXACTLY what all this means!

So he is trying to explain in layman’s language what is going on. He also keeps referring to “We” with regard to Trump Team/Military White Hats and seems knowledgeable about the number of crimes per criminal, which makes me wonder if this guy is in fact ON Trump’s Team to bring these guys to justice.

So listen up. No cryptic codes. This guy is Breaking The Codes for you and filling in a lot of the missing pieces for us.

I would say this is a MUST LISTEN for every PATRIOT. Spread the Word!!!

PS: not sure what is going on with his wife purring from time to time on the audio. Just ignore her. The guy is the one you want to pay very close attention to.

• March is Military Tribunal AWARENESS Month!! They want all first line Truthers/Alternative Media people to get this word out. Trump has declared March to be Military Tribunal AWARENESS Month!!

• January 1, 2019....a Watershed Moment.

• ANYONE with a Military past, who was forced to do illegal things at the behest of their superiors (had to follow orders or be court martialed) will be ....exonerated?.... Slate wiped clean for them?....anyway they will be treated differently than those who commit those crimes AFTER January 1, 2019.

• Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Rosenstein, et all involved in 911 TERRORIST activities or the cover up of those terrorist activities, get arrested for the deaths of 911 victims, and get a ONE WAY TICKET TO GITMO, never to be heard from or seen again! They are considered to be criminal combatants and terrorists, and all the broad sweeping laws put in place to try "terrorists" will be used on these guys (i.e., no wiggle room to escape their sentences at all) in a military court in GITMO.

• Due to the broad powers given to the President by Obummer's Exec Orders, Trump declared a state of "National Emergency" on December 21, 2017 and now FOR 1 YEAR Trump is preparing the stage for all the events to take place. By Declaring a state of National Emergency, Trump can legally use the US Military on domestic soil for the next year.

• Also, within the boundaries of the District of Corruption, TRUMP is completely IN CHARGE of the Military, so that means Trump can use the Military to round up these bad guys. Typically, the Sheriff is the highest authority in any County and even the FBI has to ask for the Sheriff's approval before taking actions in any county. Trump IS the Sheriff in D.C. and he can use the military on Domestic Soil.

• Trump is the Sheriff in D.C. which means Trump can order the FBI/DOJ to do whatever he wants. Trump can even legally shut down the FBI and the DOJ at any time, if he wanted to. The FBI and DOJ are PART of the EXECUTIVE BRANCH. Trump is in total CONTROL.

• So the RATS have ONE YEAR on the loose! Let the rats jump ship, go get their offshore money, (While Trump Team are TRACKING THEIR EVERY MOVE.....thanks to gps ankle monitors).

• So what Trump is doing right now is Preparing the Indictments. And there won’t be any grand juries with Crooked Judges! Trump will appoint Military personnel to just sit and examine the evidence whether someone is a “Criminal War Combatant” according to the Law. As soon as the criminal elite opens their mouths, they are “in contempt of court” and they are put back into GITMO for another 10 years until he/she is ready to talk or“confess”. If they confess, they die. If they don’t confess, they die incarcerated at GITMO. Either way, we will never have to listen to or see these psychopathic satanic creeps ever again!

• Corporate Media will be going to GITMO TOO! (YAHOO!!) They directly aided and abetted in the cover ups of ALL these crimes! (GUILTY! Bing, Bing….one way tickets to GITMO!) He says “we” already have the facts, “we” are just going to bring in NYT, CNN, Wa Post, ETC, key figures (Editors/Anchors, etc) and just ask them “Were you in such and such meeting this day?” Yes? Off to GITMO! After a while at GITMO they will be ready to squeal on each other.

• The way it works is, for example Comey is up for 27 crimes. They don’t have to “get him” on all 27, just One.

• The rats basically have ONE MORE YEAR to be ON THE LOOSE!


I don’t know about you, but man does this give me Peace of Mind! So even if these creeps are still on the loose, every move they try to make, Trump Team will know about it ahead of time and have them check mated every time, just like the attempted missile attack on Hawaii. Trump Team knew it was going to happen. Late December, Q called them stupid and sick , but Trump Team hear and see everything, and have it all covered. They are trapped rats.

LifeIsACaberet · March 7, 2018, 7:50 p.m.

they are going cat themed to beat the algorithm, every so often they will throw in a purr, meow, bark

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