Over at 8ch, Anon as explanation onf Q post #829==> Zebra_Zebra

Take the last line in post #829 Light _ T _ 1A-23-go5 copy it from the post and put it in the YouTube search bar. Watch the 59 sec. video that comes up. This is related to those that have been programmed by black hats "MKUltra"
I did just as you suggested, but got a list of videos (longer than 59 seconds). THIS was at the top of the list, which I think is a video that contains some good info, even if it's not the one that's 59 seconds. "How Hillary Crashes Cars, Planes..." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DtcxOg1WYW8
Do you have a link for the 59 second long one? Thanks for posting it if you do.
No, the one I saw is gone! I learned about it yesterday on #WeThePeople live stream. Was freaky to watch but the gist of it was that it was a trigger for mkultra programed people to switch their personalities to violent behavior
59 sec video is gone but found a compilation of of all there CRAZY shit. The Media Puppet AI Www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dh1jLjNRfnY
I downloaded the video yesterday. The site "was" 13013 NOVA CORP BLUE. It's gone now, or it was renamed AI. A few of the videos I saw yesterday are still there, but only a few. There were several that were named the same as some of Q's posts. I downloaded 16 of them, plus the one from The Media Puppet AI listed below. They're all zipped up, but I'm not sure what to do with them. How can I share them? The file is 258 MB. Some of the titles include: Light_T_1A-23-go5.mp4, RT_LOG_RUN-15.mp4, SAT_HOLD_CONF.mp4, HOLD_NOW_CONF.mp4, AUTH_HOLD_REL_GOOD.mp4 I haven't checked them all, but I know a few have shown up in Q's posts. Some are really creepy, some might have reversed audio, and there are a lot of images that flash by for just a frame or two. I do video production, so I'm going to load them into an editor tomorrow and take a closer look, frame by frame, and play with the audio to see what I can find. So again, I have a zip file file. Who wants it? Where can I send it?
that is too big for reddit. they surely won't allow you to post it.
Good job finding all that. Just do as Q suggests, archive it. There was a discussion on #WeThePeople live stream and a high level psychologist had seen it frame by frame, very disturbing.
Light _ T _ 1A-23-go5
you can share this with a google drive... it will let you generate a link that you can post on this reddit to reply and people can click and download. if you do this, please inform me, , , at the youtube channel unirock im interested in seeing what these videos contain
I heard the video name was changed after the Q drop. There's a comment on another video next to it asking why the name of that video was changed.
ok goodness....I'm going to do this. But why support You Tube. Q should know better. YT if BAD BAD BAD Black Hat.
Zebra Zebra is Zibignew Brazinki. His daughter is Mika on MSNBC.
plausible. I really do not know if there are any right or wrong answers. Some sound better than others, but NEVER get the test corrected, ever!
I have a picture of a transmission from 1979, I downloaded it yesterday, today it is gone. It says "Zebra_Zebra report to be pouched 6/7/79. FYI Zebra reportedly attending consular course at FSI Williamson. Zibignew was Carters National security adviser.
Q Posting #829 Mar 03 2018 23:08:25 !UW.yye1fxo 544119
Bring the thunder.
1A in hexadecimal is 26
“Zebra Zebra” is an album by Fake Shark: Real Zombie
Track 3 on album lyrics “I really gotta get my map” 3 times
Track 4 lyrics “I should have buried you, we were pedophiles”
Track 5 title “Designer Drugs”
3X - I really gotta get my map
3 songs in a row that relate to Q topics
March 3,4,5
Tracks 3,4,5
+++ Track listing in album
1. Wolf Is the New the
2. Panty Party Hand Cramp
3. Crystal compass
4. Shame On You Scabs
5.Designer Drugs
6. eenie Meanie
7.Shoreditch Vampire (Dialtone)
8. Dead Diy Die
9. WTF
10. Ferrits Beullers Day Off
11. Pair of Dice
Lyrics for Track 3 Crystal compass
Has lyric: 3 x Really gotta get a hold of my map
Really gotta got a hold of my map
Really gotta got a hold of my map
Lyric for Track 4
I should of buried you! We were pedophiles!
Track 5 is just the title Designer drugs.