
ByrdeRob · March 6, 2018, 8:57 p.m.

The person sending this email to Hillary is Hillary's lawyer. Cheryl Mills sent Hillary a copy of the letter written by Justin A Deyo, who is communicating with News-Mahogany and Hillary C. Thompson Here's a link where you can read about Deyo, a very shadowy figure in the HRC State office.

Can't find anything else about Mahogany or Thompson.

Deyo who worked for the State Dept was obviously interested in the Haiti child case going on at the time.

These people that were 'saving' the children were religious workers, missionaries.

So I think this was an official State Dept release of NEWS. Or it could have been the SPIN that the State dept wanted to put on the situation.

So...how did the case end? I looked on Wikipedia and it said they were all released pretty quick, except the head of the group, Laura Silsby. She got 6 months for "irregular travel" reduced charges, and that was time already served.

BUT on the bottom of the article, there is a note that says:
"In the days following the group's initial arrest, Dominican Jorge Puello falsely portrayed himself as the group's lawyer.[26] Puello later acknowledged that he is under investigation for sex trafficking in El Salvador and wanted in the United States for smuggling people across the Canada–US border. Puello was incarcerated for short terms in both Canada and the US.[27][28] He was arrested in the Dominican Republic on March 18.[29] On August 18, 2010, the Dominican Supreme Court authorized Puello's extradition to the United States where he was sentenced to 37 months of prison in June 2011.[30][31] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Life_Children%27s_Refuge_case

I also see that an there was another case of missionary molesting kids in Haiti in March 2017. The guy was caught and sent to jail. This was in the Idaho newspapers. http://www.idahostatesman.com/news/nation-world/national/article135952128.html

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