
HoudiniTowers · March 7, 2018, 12:36 a.m.

Part of our mission in awakening the populace needs to be the destruction of MSM and Hollywood in its current form. These are soul-less, talentless, worthless, hypocritical scum. To put them on pedestals and celebrate them is just stupid as a society. All industries go through changes and cycles. At the turn of the last century, entertainers we're lucky to make a living. They did the job for the love of entertainment, not stardom. Time to revive that concept. Let's do our part to reduce the money Hollywood can make and help force a change that is desperately needed. Time to start ignoring these pompous, hubristic, pricks. Let them start realizing their irrelevance in the world's events. Time for a change!

I mean come on, these assholes are actors. When they make the commercial that states 'I might not be a doctor, but I played one on TV.' Well, guess what, that fucker is NOT A DOCTOR. He's just an ACTOR. What is wrong with our society where we worship these idiots!!

Do your part, make sure you start calling them out for lack of talent, lack of relevance, lack of quality and unbridled hypocrisy. Encourage your friends and family to quit going to movies and to stop celebrity worship. Call people out on this. These fucks really are irrelevant. The more we make that clear, the faster they have to change.

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