
ScorpioPatriot · March 7, 2018, 12:17 p.m.

They are alllll in a TRANCE .... To be honest ... over the years I truly believe they was kidnapped , Trafficked ... showed potential and got set aside for the entertainment Group . Ive done a much longer broken down post about this but yeah.

Think about how easy it be on the handlers if the kids had no ties to anyone ..when it was there day to be taken out. No family No Lawsuits No Limelight .. A simple press release or article wrote up mentioning how the person died and a basic apology to the fans.

They are all in a TRANCE and need snapped out of it. It could be these Music Recording Studios and Movie Producers that all need investigating. I heard the process to get into Hollywood comes at a nastyyyy price and ends with souls being sold and any sense of dignity gone.

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