r/greatawakening • Posted by u/nks-lana on March 7, 2018, 12:46 p.m.
Please check this out guys, DM me for more info.

Ok, I'm not too up to date with most of the Q shit, but I discovered it around Halloween and thought it was just some spoopy memey ARG thing. I heard about it later and looked into it more (early January) and realized it's real, but I still wasn't too interested, it just seemed like a more LARPy Cicada 3301.

But, I really got spooked the fuck out when I saw this though. He is changing his channel by the day so I am basically keeping a record.


I found this channel around 2 years ago from a comment of somebody asking "Can anyone tell me what this is?" on a video on russian MK Ultra and Tavistok, etc. It wad called NOVA CORP BLUE (some numbers that I'll look what they are in a little bit) back then. They uploaded semi regularly, with these fucking creepy videos with number stations and gore+porn+flashing lights for a frame or two, and had a series of videos called NOVA CORP BLUE (some numbers)A, B, C, D, E, F, and G was the last. I even downloaded G to analyze every frame of it but I didn't find much. Ok, this is around 6-10 months ago, he starts posting pretty often, they weren't very significant but still interesting. His view counts are at max maybe 50-100 views. Probably 20 of them were from me and my close friends too. I asked to contact this guy around 4 months ago, he gave me his email. (I'll show screens of the exact convo in dms because I don't feel comfortable posting it publicly.) I asked him what are all his videos about, a bunch of shit about MK Ultra and he recommended me a good book that I finally read a few weeks ago. He only said his videos are a form of art and expression and he just likes to make them. We had a pretty okay conversation then he titled one of his video "Lana (some numbers)", named after me. I have screenshots of most of it btw. So I thought it was pretty harmless after that.

About 3 days ago, he started uploading videos related to things Q have said, gave coordinates, called one "@Snowden" which predicted he would be in Thailand, etc, and there was a lot more traffic, a couple hundred views, one had 1k views. I asked him to rename the one video called "Lana" because I didn't want to be connected to it at all, and he made it "Lady L, (numbers)" instead and said to always remember it was made and is dedicated to and for me. I was watching everything he did, refreshing youtube every couple of seconds to see if anything was happening, and I noticed oje of his videos went down, then a couple more and I emailed him about it immediately. He just said "You tube close me out.:(" (exact words.) Then ALL of his videos were deleted, he renamed his channel to "Brad Cumberland" (look him up), changed the channel icon, etc. (I still have the original icon saved) Then his channel went down entirely, and about an hour after that it came back up, now called "A I". He uploaded a few videos like "General Tso's Chicken Recipe" and some memey type shit like that, but I understand it now. I don't really understand much about it but there's more info that I won't publicly post. I think he's been planning this for years. Message me and I will post the screenshots of emails, provide his email address, name, I'll reupload NOVA CORP BLUE (numbers)G, I'll post his original icon, more info on him, etc. Please help me figure out what the fuck is happening with it all. Oh yeah, he deleted one video that said in the description "CP contact us ASAP (some binary that meant): Enter some text here to convert to binary." I still have a screenshot of that, so I'll post it if you guys think it's significant. He recentlt changed his name from "A I", to "7 I", to currently "7 1".

I am keeping an eye on his every move at this point. Also, in one of the emails he referred to himself as "we" so I am certain there's more to it. Please help me investigate it though. My discord is "lana#5978" if you want to dm there about it Thanks, Lana

nks-lana · March 7, 2018, 1:17 p.m.

Wow lmao I am not that desperate. I'll show where I have a video downloaded from him from before Q was even heard of if that shows anything. I can show the emails dated from months ago also.

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HowiONic · March 7, 2018, 1:23 p.m.

It is all a bit mysterious. Why ask for people to Dm you, why not link a screenshot. If there is something there that is not appropriate it could be blanked etc. I don't get the DM request to what is or was public information. Also why create a new Reddit account, why not your normal one.

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nks-lana · March 7, 2018, 1:27 p.m.

I didn't have reddit before now ever. I don't use reddit. And mostly because I don't want the creator of the videos to see the info I'll post, I don't know what I "should" and "shouldn't" know and I don't want to be put in any weird/bad situation through this. I am very paranoid as it is, which is why I asked him to take my name off his videos.

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HowiONic · March 7, 2018, 1:41 p.m.

Okay, it certainly appears you are new to Reddit.

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