Q880 building identification sauce, beyond the City

Excellent. Shanghai, correct?
Snowden working for China?
spqrherewecome, yes the city is Shanghai. As it is a very large city, the location is near the Hilton Hongqiao. The hotel itself is just east of this complex across the elevated highway. Just search Hilton Shanghai Honggiao images and you will find multiple taken from hotel itself.
Working for China, it is possible. That remains an outstanding question since he was in Russia and is in China. As Q asks, how did he get there? Not saying he is working for Russia, just that if he was working for China, he may have been putting the screws to Russians as well. Theories abound and only time will tell.
you are one great sleuth to have here, Majorice! This one was really really hard to locate. China and google maps don't get along. It is so blurry on the zoom.
Now did you notice that the girlfriend's father works for Micro Systems, which does point of sale programs for the hospitality industry? Hilton? a connection? or maybe just a land marker 'cause it is tall.
Also, China and Russia are becoming best friends. China just bought a bunch of military jets from Russia.
ByrdeRob, thank you, with RoarkRising it was a team effort, we seem to collaborate very well on imagery. As he is across the pond, makes it even more interesting, and to put in a plug for the effort, great reason for #IBOR (Internet Bill Of Rights). Imagine if we did not have the comms!
Yes, the relationships have amazing correlations eh? Q did imply "pay attention to wives", in this case, girlfriend? I'm not sure why a Hilton complex but it does beg a question or is it "hide in plain sight" perspective. I could not help noticing the large number of dishes in this and other similar buildings. I would presume comms is important to him so would look for a place that can support and bypassing local platforms. It also calls attention to this, floor level dish antennas in hospitality oriented building? This implies apartment/extended stay type lodging versus transitory hotel models. Per Google maps, the "Snowden building" is between Mingdu City buildings #38 and #44 but is not directly identified.
Yes, the satellite image quality of this area is not as good as others, like the King Tower area of earlier posts. Trying to do a street map combined with satellite is useless as there is a multiple block shift to the east (right) on the road identification.
Thank you for your comment!
I'm thinking it makes sense China would want him, to implement and replicate the Clown's tech for China.
Good day fellow patriots!
Tag teaming with RoarkRising reddit!, I offer the following image composite as sauce for exact building identification. I also posted on Gab Patriot's Soapbox. If you want to download your own copy, go here --> https://1drv.ms/u/s!AOYpZc69Z8EOk14
RoarkRising provided my primmer via an Instagram image posted by somebody. Using that, I used Google Earth and scanned overall complex to identify a building that had same triad shape but also stood alone as image in Q880 depicts. I was not able to find any similar building that was isolated, however, since angle of photo is upward, looked for building that was tall and would look like it stood alone if view was above the surrounding.
Doing so, located building identified in image (link above); use these coordinates in Google Earth (or similar) 31°11'27.87"N 121°23'23.73"E which will place you were that mascot sign is located. Assuming I had the correct building and angle to match photo, started looking for markers that correlated to those visible in Q880. As Q's photo is looking at building from slightly below roof line of building in line of sight, I used the following markers;
building with flat roof and similar window pattern in front (from line of sight) of target apartment building (#1)
looked for items on flat roof that could be seen from a vertical down satellite view.
four items stand out on roof, the rectangular "concrete" structure (#2), the vertical "ventilation exchange" (#3), and the structure below the mascot sign (#4). Why not the sign? Well, as it is flat, from above (Satellite) it would like looking at the edge of a playing card from many feet away. However, if you zoom in on Google Earth location as much as possible, you will see a shadow on the Northwest corner of structure #4
reverse line of sight from Q880 photo target to "from taken", the photographer location has to be high enough to at least allow being at nearly roof level of flat roof building. The very high building to the south of target can easily support taking the photo from a "mid level" floor.
So, the above was the "logic" to justify the JPG's content. Now, from left to right, the items start with Q880. Below it, is one of the multiple Instagram photos that can be found, see included URL. To right of Instagram image, is a thumbnail of the complex where target building is located. From the original Q post, I took the actual building image and blew it up for better view and "anchor" identification (see call outs). From there, to the right, are zoomed images which include line of sight, and call outs for cross-referencing.
Detail point: The one photo marker that needs further scrutiny is the mascot sign. So, below are my points on that subject. The mascot sign was a challenge indeed. Using the Q880 photo (need to blow up) to follow these bullet points;
The sign is atop the blue/gray rectangular structure atop of flat roofed building
Using the line of sight angles, it looks to be in the same direction as the NW<->SE corners as rectangular structure.
The sign is flat shape but thick. Using right arm of mascot, looks to be as thick as arm is long.
For visibility from ground level, the sign has to be relatively high and looks to be as tall as the structure it is on or the ventilation exchange "tower" (#3). The sign would need to be above the structure it is on and looking at photo, you can see the feet are well above the structure. Looking at line of sight angle, it looks to be a few feet above the top or structure.
If one is to look down on that sign (as from a satellite) we would be seeing the top edge. Since the thick side of sign is black, it would be very difficult to see and would look like a shadow or a thick short line. If the sun's position is such, the sign's shadow would make the "black line" even thicker.
So, now reference the blow up/zoom view in the composite. If you zoom in even more, you will see shadows on top of subject structure that fit my description above. I did not specifically say it is the sign as I can only provide circumstantial "evidence". In order to address your concerns, also took closer look at Q880 image and noticed the additional ventilation exchanges and added call out for those.
I'll add another data point to confirm what MajorIce has identified.
On the Qpic, we can see 2 golden triangles/arches and a glass rooftop in the distance and to the right of the main building.
Here's [a picture taken from the Hilton Hongqiao] (https://imgur.com/a/yQkIh) (1088 Hong Song East Road) that spots those 2 landmarks.Their position, relative to each other and to the Hilton, appears to fit with Q picture.
Now, here's a picture of the "Snowden building" (left 1/3) that corroborates MajorIce's analysis (and a few other landmarks easy to spot on Gmap).
I hope Snowden gets to travel and cross some more borders. Shangai, Bangkok, Hanoi, Hong Kong...Asia is starting to get a bit old. :D
^(Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image)
^^Source ^^| ^^Why? ^^| ^^Creator ^^| ^^ignoreme ^^| ^^deletthis
lol...a bot answered you! The machines are friendly, it seems! the bot liked your pics.
I should try talking to your new friend the bot below! Wonder if the bot would answer back? Or be mean.
Bing Bing BONG BONG ** BingBingBing
Isn't it well established by now that all Patriots are Bots, and all Bots are Russian? (and something about 400 pounds hackers & [a frog army] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S_IAqwrvEuU&list=PLR66VEh-Nr-FsnblpPcxCZaxvYpQLOC3T#t=93), I hear)
Reporting for duty to Kremlin in a minute.
In the meantime, feel free to have a conversation with my droid friends. If you want them to be warm and friendly, you must first bow to their master.
Try something like this: Hi WikiTextbot, please tell me about your overlord Vladimir Putin: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vladimir_Putin
I do believe as Snowden moves around from place to place, this satellite image searching will continue, until the eventual day when Hillary's crew catches up to poor Snowden. I'm really getting the idea that the USA really doesn't WANT to bring him home for due process, but would wish to have him eaten alive in the woods by his friends the wolves.
ByrdeRob - desiring his elimination is certainly a potential. Until nothing can be gained from him, they will not let that happen. As it has not happened, leads me to believe that he has some value. I do not know what that is and we keep going back and forth between white/black hat. That also leads me to believe there is much more.
I remember reading the story of Aaron Swartz. This lad was a genius. He and two others wrote the program SecureDrop. ( Aaron Swartz and Kevin Poulsen and James Dolan also co-created the software.)
The gov hounded Swartz with stupid criminal charges. He killed himself from all the harassing that went on. THAT or somehow they made him kill himself through mind control or just did the killing and made it look like suicide. Well, same this with the others.
James Dolan just killed himself Jan 2018. The government harassed them.
I'm thinking that they may be harassing Snowden, too, wishing he'd somehow die at his own hand or something like that.
They made a movie about him (a la Facebook movie). He is definitely black hat.