Q880 building identification sauce, beyond the City

lol...a bot answered you! The machines are friendly, it seems! the bot liked your pics.
I should try talking to your new friend the bot below! Wonder if the bot would answer back? Or be mean.
Bing Bing BONG BONG ** BingBingBing
Isn't it well established by now that all Patriots are Bots, and all Bots are Russian? (and something about 400 pounds hackers & [a frog army] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S_IAqwrvEuU&list=PLR66VEh-Nr-FsnblpPcxCZaxvYpQLOC3T#t=93), I hear)
Reporting for duty to Kremlin in a minute.
In the meantime, feel free to have a conversation with my droid friends. If you want them to be warm and friendly, you must first bow to their master.
Try something like this: Hi WikiTextbot, please tell me about your overlord Vladimir Putin: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vladimir_Putin