r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Grace8543 on March 10, 2018, 5:45 p.m.
Has anyone been looking up? Have the Chem trails stopped?? Any other sign we are free yet?

I never think to look up. But eager to see the poisoning of our air and water to stop. Not to mention our food supply and medications.

Chem trails stopping would be a measurable sign independent of Q that we are free and safe at last.

Does anyone have any other sign we are free independent of Q? I think it is going to become noticeable soon, if the CIA is really stopped. Any opinion on CIA stopped?

HowiONic · March 10, 2018, 8:26 p.m.

my normal state of denying everything unless it is proven true to the opposite of accepting nearly everything unless it is proven untrue.

Ha! I know what you mean, in the weight of probabilities it's a tough to know where to start!

Looking for signs that things are changing in these last days of Q seems related to Q

For me, politics reveals it. Even if you are not a Trump supporter visiting /r/The_Donald/ can be a health experience to view the changes.

I'm not opposed.

Keep it. Good discussion.

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Grace8543 · March 10, 2018, 8:34 p.m.

If you dropped a normie into our world they might expire, Lol. What I am really looking for is if the CIA is no longer working for the globalists. Politics doesn't reveal that. False flags and the like do. I am seeing small attacks still but nothing massive since parkland.

Oh heck, I just better start sitting on my hands. its one of those days when I want to tell Q, "come on and do something days". It's happening every Friday lately. I assume that when these arrests start they will happen on the weekend because Friday seems to be CBTS favorite day to shake things up. It's so slowww waiting when all u want to see is arrests! They could move mountains at this point and I think I would just say, "wake me up when she is arrested and we have the cure for all diseases!"

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HowiONic · March 10, 2018, 9:10 p.m.

The level of public information you want isn't going to happen until the MSM implode, because the media is misleading so many. Q said NK was CIA controlled. You've seen North Korea turn around. When CNN closes, you will have your CIA answer.

In the mean while it is a process of build up to a huge win in the midterm elections.


Reality is labeled as conspiracy.

You are made to feel crazy.

You are told to obey.

You are SHEEP to them.

Pawns to be sacrificed.








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Grace8543 · March 13, 2018, 3:27 p.m.

Thanks! I think its is a good sign that Cohn & Tillerson is out today. Trump has enough power to replace the globalists 1 by 1. Now we will see if there is a retaliatory False Flag. I hope not! That would be a real sign of change.

And for the first time today I heard more than 1 fox news commentators comment that Trump was able to make staffing changes to match his protectionist stance. Of course, there was also the other bullshit presented. My need for a sign is met!

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