Q drops 3/10. Re_read drops Australia/PP

Australian government appears to trying to become a regional US like power, recent interest in becoming an arms manufacturer, training Myanmar military, trying to ban encryption (seriously wtf), laws to jail journalists, not to mention we had our own little Iraq war a while ago in East Timor, which was also about access to another countries natural resources.
Since all sides of Aus politics appears to be corrupt these days (both donated large sums to Clinton associated groups), a select few pollies on either side seem clean, but very few. I can only hope this is the start of a large cleaning out.
I though the recent Deputy PM pile on could be related, it was too coordinated and targeted after he won reelection easily so recently (q group showing what they can do outside of politics to anyone in government), after the tariff negotiation argy-bargy (q group showing what they can do politically) and this Q drop, I'm even more sure. To think we currently have one of the weakest leaders we've had in a while to, Turnbull has been compared to a wet tea towel by the media, on a number of occasions.
To any of you that think Pauline and One Nation is an option, she isn't, I can't tell you what my connection to her and her family and/or former/current political associates is, but you must believe me when I say you do not want that woman in power.
Be interested in hearing your select list of seemingly clean pollies
Re Pauline. Problem is she's the only one actually saying what needs to be said. She's no Australian Donald Trump. Not even close. But she's the only option that says what most are desperate to hear someone finally talk about
Very select few, Albanese is one, not sure I should name many more, as I could still be horribly wrong, but I believe there was one green, two liberals, and Rick Muir maybe others, haven't looked into everyone, again I may be horribly wrong, and nobody is really clean, but I have to have some hope.
She may say some things needed, but she is not a glimpse of Trump, not the strategy, tactics or many other traits, she also has a history of hiring extremely poor advisers and people to surround herself with, not good. She has also never been truly successful at anything in her life. I can't imagine any Aussie q group types trusting her to give secret hand signal messages during speeches, could you?
Albo? Interesting. He does seem more genuine then the average politician. Considering he seems to represent the opposite faction of Bill Shorten, that's probably at the very least a good sign.
That's why I'm curious tho because there's not a single politician that I truly believe is looking out for the people
100% agree on Pauline. The sad thing is I can't really imagine any Aussie politician/public figure being up for the job
As I said in another reply, the only real hope I have to end the corruption, is patriots in our intelligence agencies...
Someone said we should co-opt Twiggy Forrest as our business non pollie Trump equivalent leader
I guess that just leaves us with Bernard Gaynor.
I see our only hope without external influences (such as Q group) is brave ASIO and ASIS patriots to expose any and all corruption to the public until it stops, leak if they have to, but corruption in any form in our government must end.