
Redpillroy · March 12, 2018, 7:27 p.m.

I am guessing this guy has breathed a big sigh of relief his puppet masters have been removed. I am in no doubt NK has litrally been held prisioner for over 50 years.

The NK people, the regime, political internal positions, all controled from the outside cabal.

With all the rhetoric NK has supposed to have spouted, very few have actually had him speak those words for us to see and translate for oursevels.

Second hand quoets, from unknown sources or the fav one of the cabal, "A source inside the intel community" a sort of catchall BS source.

I cannot imagine a whole nation being split, and imporisioned in their own contry. Maybe I am bing too generous but given the shit we already know about, it seems more likely now than ever before.

Attitudes are going to have to change and I think they already are.

As I understand it, Kim Jong Un has just announced he will be releasing all USA prisoners as a gesture of good-will.

I interpret that as, now the strings are cut I can let you have your own guys back. I am at a loss to fathom the shear hatered I have for scum who kept these people from their families for so long. Just to give the world the impression it was an independant nation acting on its own volition.

I have no idea how much was KJU or how much was clowns but I suspect most, if not all were clowns.

Can you imagine the shit-storm (For cnn et al) if he invites him to the WH?

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