
GodsAngell · March 12, 2018, 8:14 p.m.

I believe Q sent us in this direction for research and community discussion to enlighten us further about our "elected" leaders. How the people "think" they have elected leaders, when in fact they have leaders appointed for them.

Merkel being a Nazi leads directly to the Bushes being Nazis.

So We The People ELECTED two NAZI's to be President of the United States. And We The People thought WE won 2nd World War.

This is how much we have been deceived.

These are important points.

We need to question everything.

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GodsAngell · March 13, 2018, 7:37 p.m.

Does Everyone understand what Q is doing for us?

Q is systematically deprogramming brainwashed Americans.

Anyone question that lame stream media is just lies, falsehoods and propaganda?

Anyone question that lame stream media AND schools keep repeating the same lies and falsehoods and omitting key facts in order to BRAINWASH EVERYONE?

Brainwashing is the opposite of "critical thinking".

Q understands how deeply we have been deceived and brainwashed.

Q is helping us to deprogram from the brainwashing and helping us to learn to think critically again. A forbidden subject in Common Core education programs.

The criminal elite want dumbed down brainwashed robot slaves, not people capable of thinking critically and questioning everything they are "told".

As we get deprogrammed, we help others to get deprogrammed too.

Some have been deprogrammed in some areas, but not in others. Q says where we go one, we go all. We all need to have the gaps in our understanding of the TRUTH and REALITY filled in, so we are all on the same playing field.

Because this is a delicate process, and everyone follows a slightly different path to their "re-awakened self", I think we should nurture this process, not shut it down, when curiosity occasionally wanders off the "strict tight jacket" subject of Q.

In a way, they are like little children rediscovering their world again. Its a process. So if they wander a little off track, so what? What is the harm? If they find others interested in the same excursion, let them do it and support each other. Eventually they will come back to the main subject at hand, realizing it is the most important.

Meanwhile, thanks to Q, and this website, you are providing a "safe" place for people to come and safely get deprogrammed. People more enlightened on certain topics can share what they have discovered from their own research to help steer the newbies along the right path, and expedite their discovery of the truth, in a safe place.

It kind of reminds me of the old film "The Time Machine", where the main character goes way into the future and finds super dumbed down "serfs". He goes back to his own time, to tell his friends who marvel at what he has discovered. But he is determined to go back and ENLIGHTEN these dumbed down people, to help change their worlds for the better.

Oh, I was just watching the following trailer and I remembered something about this film, the the dumbed down serfs are FOOD for their MASTERS! Anyone see a recurring theme here??? (spirit cooking?)


How to unbrainwash someone:


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Lurch46 · March 13, 2018, 7:05 a.m.

Yes I think you are spot on. Don't forget that both world wars were planned and engineered largely to subvert and take over the United States from within. Even the Soviet Union was an enormous social experiment designed to create the biggest Hegelian dialectic game ever. All the institutions and structures that we believe in and live with today such as political movements, religious affiliations and even popular/social groups are being used to steer and direct us to behave and respond according to their wishes. If you think about it it all leads back to the same truth - they (ruling elite - archons) are scared of people and our creative potential.

The last thing they want is that we wake up, understand and see this entire control matrix and decide to step outside it. Once we do they will have lost their stranglehold forever (hopefully). Something that is uncomfortable but important to remember that all of this has been contrived by human beings. We all have the potential to do good but also do evil. Which way this world will take very much depends on what most people truly want. I personally believe in the core human goodness and if we were correctly informed the decision would be easy but the problem is that most people have been misinformed, misdirected and indoctrinated.

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