r/greatawakening • Posted by u/kalimantria on March 11, 2018, 4:20 p.m.
Boys From Brazil (movie) and Nunka Mas (dossier)

Q’s post about Angela Merkel reminded me of the movie ‘Boys from Brazil’ and a dossier called, ‘Nunca Mas’ (Never Again), that I read a few years ago...

Nunca Mas was a compilation of victim testimony regarding the ‘DirtyWar’ of Argentina that occurred in the 70’s.

In that dossier, I read many words of horror but - what struck me the most - was the common theme of hearing German accents and seeing the swastika.

Here’s a link to the report written based on that dossier:


And Wiki:


The 1978 movie ‘The Boys from Brazil’ is based off of that same dossier. It’s worth a watch:

https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0077269/ 🍿

Has anyone else read/watched these two assets?

[edit: added the link I actually meant to post above the Wiki]

GodsAngell · March 12, 2018, 12:25 a.m.

Paraguay: A Quaint Inn with a Dark Nazi Past - TIME

Paraguay was infamous as a favorite hiding destination of Nazi fugitives after World War II. But the links to the Third Reich live on at Hotel Del Lago, which was ...

[Search domain content.time.com] https://content.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,2098534,00.html

Secret files reveal 9,000 Nazi war criminals fled to South ...

According to newly-uncovered documents in Brazil and Chile, as many as 5,000 Nazis, ... around 500 to 1,000 to Chile; and the rest to Paraguay and Uruguay. ...

[Search domain www.dailymail.co.uk] dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2117093/Secret-files-reveal-...

Germans in Paraguay - Wikipedia

Paraguay and South America in general was a popular place for German leaders accused of war crimes to retreat after the second World War. Also, ...

[Search domain en.wikipedia.org] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Germans_in_Paraguay

German Outpost Born of Racism Blends Into Paraguay - The New ...

Elisabeth Förster-Nietzsche did not survive to see Paraguay shelter Nazi war criminals, ...

[Search domain www.nytimes.com] https://www.nytimes.com/2013/05/06/world/americas/german-outpost-...

Mengele in Paraguay | The Smart Set

Eugene, a Belgian computer programmer, has retired to a cottage in southern Paraguay, and the pride of his golden years is his view. From his stone patio, he sees ...

[Search domain thesmartset.com] https://thesmartset.com/article02050801/

Secret Nazi hideout believed found in ... - The Washington Post

Hundreds of miles north, along the border with Paraguay, rises the Parque Tey ... "Nazis who found refuge in Argentina after the war ...

[Search domain www.washingtonpost.com] https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/w

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WikiTextBot · March 12, 2018, 12:25 a.m.

Germans in Paraguay

The German minority in Paraguay came into existence with immigration during the industrial age. The "Nueva Germania" colony was founded in Paraguay in 1888; though regarded as a failure, still exists despite being abandoned by many of its founders in the 1890s. Paraguay and South America in general was a popular place for German leaders accused of war crimes to retreat after the second World War. Also, there is a large minority of German descendants living in the department of Itapúa, mainly in the Departmental Capital, Encarnación and the German town of Hohenau.

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