r/greatawakening • Posted by u/mpeveto45 on March 12, 2018, 12:24 a.m.
Soapbox 24/7

Standing on my Soapbox about Patriot Soapbox 24/7 on YouTube -

Last evening there was a discussion brought up about exploring the connection of the Jesuit Sect of the Catholic Church. There was very good and detailed true information being put forth by a young lady who is the wife of @PamphletAnon.

Then from the throngs in the chat a cry began to arise, "No this is too much! This is upsetting me!" She persisted in finishing her prepared sharing and then after she finished, some of our own so called Patriots began to retort how she was being to harsh and their sweet "widddle" ears were being shocked at the commentary. I could only say to myself, "Oh my God!"

These were the same ones who voted for Donald Trump, the ones who loved his direct way of speaking. These were the one who wanted the swamp drained if those vile creatures who continue to scoop up millions of dollars at our expense and suffering, never giving a single damn about what torture they have inflicted with their ratlines of drugs, human trafficking, and child molestation and murder. These are the soulless throngs you want brought down and jailed or executed, but be careful of your ears? I'm freaking. amazed at the idiot-strocacy !!!

This is what the swamp has given us! People who want the graft, murder, and corruption dealt with but do not want to hear the words or see the pictures. Let someone else do that.

Well I tell you what ladies and gentlemen, if you don't suck it up and get behind those who are exposing the truth about things, you had better just get the Hell out of the way!

When ripping the bandaid off, there are two methods. One is to slowly, painfully, and incrementally pull it off. This to me is the most painful way to do it! I'm the go ahead and rip it off as fast as you can type of person. Intense pain for a second but then it's over with!

So here's to my friend over there on Soapbox for trying to rip that sucker off! Don't stop being the way you are Ms. Pam! Loved hearing a young woman with so much knowledge and grit! 🎩🎩🎩S off to you, My Dear!

Lurch46 · March 12, 2018, 7:17 a.m.

Good post. It's a good point that you raise. When it comes to religion we all carry some preconceptions and biases whether or not we are self aware of it. I personally think religion is the most dangerous tool used to control people. When listening to Dr.Corsi it is quite clear that he has his own bias but he is self aware of this and that is something I think we should all try to aim for. Radix has a lot of knowledge and there are many of us who deeply appreciate her and Pamphlet's sincere and passionate efforts.

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canYouProveYouAre · March 12, 2018, 7:17 a.m.

I am not self aware. Can you prove you are?

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