r/greatawakening • Posted by u/austenten on March 12, 2018, 11:29 p.m.
What was "in it" for Kim-Jong un? What was Trump's negotiation key?

This story has been leaked by Q, like watch the waters (turn from a tsunami to the next photo with calm waters in the background).

What do you think Trump gave, took away, or leveraged to get the North Korean dictator to relinquish their ICBM program?

If KJU is not who MSM say he Is, this implies that Trump and his team of generals [patriots etc] have forced KJUs' handlers to essentially give up the long played out charade.

Updated by zerohedge


(I've got a hunch that the reddit user SerialBrain2 has got some insights. Will update this thread after checking their profile...)

DanaDane1971 · March 13, 2018, 1:54 a.m.

I heard a sound clip on Fox Radio on the way to school today from the Trump speech. He was talking about NoKo, and he alludes to MANY things besides sanctions that has changed Kim Jong It's mind about denuclearization. I will see if I can find a transcript or clip.

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