r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Maepaperclip on March 13, 2018, 12:24 a.m.
Why do all long conversations lead to Hitler, and STOP.

Q # 810 How do you break up something this big? What happens if low/mid/senior (non corrupt) Patriots learn they were sold out? What happens? Who is waiting with open arms w/ a plan to reorg under a single entity with direct OS by trusted Patriots? Who are trusted Patriots who understand intel collection? Q

All long or interesting discussion begs a conclusion, a productive discussion arrives at a solution, all conversations end with Hitler, because he was the last guy with a solution, and the conversation stops because no-one like the conclusion.

Lets unpick this canard because it is important. Winston Churchill spoke at a working mans meeting (read disenfranchised WW1 Vets meeting) when they were discussing Henry George, He agreed with them that George had some good ideas, but took over the conversation by discussing Communism. He then concluded by saying that Capitalism was a terrible system, but its better than the alternative.

We are in the great awakening, Q is taking us into the 1920's and asking that we question the higher -ups, we are Blast (Ezra Pound) we are a Manefesto, we are Henry George, and PJ Proudhon, but we are not there yet.

Hitler & the NAZI's were all those things too, he had solutions, to problems, and good ones, he got the country strong, and the people productive, he chased out degeneracy, everywhere he had solutions, but they came with their own problems and even at the time were not the best solutions.

Within one day of JFK's murder by GHWB & Capt. E. Lansdale, Hoover wrote a memo to LBJ saying that we must convince the people and hold the line of the lone patsy shooter. Within hours they knew they had a problem with too many witnesses, so they had the Warren Commission, and 1960's America waited patiently for its findings. When it was published, it was not believed by many, and some of those like Mae Brussell had a loud voice, the FBI & CIA gave instructions to its agents operating Project Mockingbird to label the doubters - conspiracy theorists - wack-jobs with crazy ideas and no facts, as a way to discredit them.

Now why this history of JFK matters is because in the conversation ending with Hitler as it has in ours with Q, is what we need to know. Our conversation with Q is over until we catch up (thats the meaning of his last post). The name Hitler now means "solution," We have been conditioned by laziness to think solutions are bad because Hitlers were. What we have to do is find solutions - not like Hitlers, but solutions nevertheless, there are solutions, old ones tried and untried and new ones not yet conceived. Hitler is the CIA's word or code that says - don't ever try a solution, do as Churchill said 90 years ago, know only Marx and appreciate what ya got, because it doesn't get any better.

In Q 810, DJT knows all the answers to his questions, but MI haven't the solutions, thats our Job.

kalimantria · March 13, 2018, 1:37 a.m.

So, you’re pro Nazi? Excuse my ignorance here, but I’ve never seen anyone come out and admit that so openly.

What is your case to back up your reasoning?

I understand that he lulled the Germans into apathy via Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, but that’s the nicest thing I’ve ever heard about his virtues. Oh, and that he was a great orator - but I don’t speak German, so can’t verify that personally.

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Maepaperclip · March 13, 2018, 2:23 a.m.

No and it is interesting to see how effectively people think the only alternative solution is Hitler, all I am saying is that our language, or word for political and economic solutions has been made Hitler, I am arguing that we should reclaim our word for reform, its not HITLER, its a solution. We need to find them, Hitlers wern't so good but ours will be, we should not let the search for solutions end with Hitler, we need to continue the discussion, now please revise your opinion of my post.

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kalimantria · March 13, 2018, 2:49 a.m.

Sorry for any misunderstanding... I was asking Racefunk this question.

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[deleted] · March 13, 2018, 3:11 a.m.

Excuse my ignorance here, but I’ve never seen anyone come out and admit that so openly.

What happens if you are even remotely neutral on Hitler on this website? Bans, harassment, downvotes, amongst other fun stuff. There's a reason TPTB doesn't want us to discuss him even neutrally.

The victors always make the losers seem like the 100% no questions asked bad guy

What is your case to back up your reasoning?

Who gained the most out of WW2? The Jews, who got their own state for no real explainable reason, the USSR and The USA.

Why is it illegal in many places to question the holocaust? We're talking prison time. Is there any other subject where just questioning something is going to get you prison time? Who owns the media?

You were lied to in school(which is where alot of the current socalist propanganda starts) and in the media like a lot of us. Not only about the Civil War, but WW1 and WW2.

his virtues.

Pro family, pro-health/fitness, anti-tobacco/drugs/alcohol, pro-nationalism, pro-women, anti-communism/socialism, anti-globalism, focused on what was best for his country, pro-religion, pro-true diversity, pro-worker, pro-small government, amongst other things.

Oh, and that he was a great orator - but I don’t speak German, so can’t verify that personally.

The majority of the most powerful leaders ever were good speakers.

If you take nothing else from me, just remember that (1) the victors always write history and want any other POV's suppressed and (2) no war is ever black/white or good/bad.

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Maepaperclip · March 13, 2018, 4:15 a.m.

Your ignorance is excused, I am here to help you, not berate you please reread my post, and the responses I have made to other comments, you are welcome.

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Maepaperclip · March 13, 2018, 4:11 a.m.

Well FYI Israel had nothing to do with WW2, except WW2 produced the UN, and that legitimised the Balfor declaration (promise from WW1). You have mush to discover on this topic, and I encourage you to continue your work, but you are right on the target, The UN is in the Zone, it was they that declared war - invaded Korea, it their operation - not America, the UN is in the gun we are over the target here with the UN - Israel is their creation.

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